Vanessa Moody Eats Right, Relies on Witch Hazel

The model reveals her beauty secrets.

by Mia Adorante

Vanessa Moody

Vanessa Moody has had a busy year so far—not only did she appear in W’s February 2015 issue (in “La Clique, C’est Chic”), but she also walked in dozens of fashion shows. Here, the Texas native explains how she maintains her natural beauty even under pressure.

Define your look in three words: Fresh, young, modern.

Five-minute routine: Wipe my face with Bioderma, rub in moisturizer, and spray it with witch hazel.

Never leave the house without: Phone, chapstick, and a Metrocard.

Beauty on the go: It can be hard when traveling so much to eat healthy, but drinking water and loading up on vegetables is important. Knowing the choices you made were healthy and are providing you with the right kind of energy will make you feel good, as well.

Exercise regime: Yoga and Pilates are my favorites. I enjoy taking classes because being around people keeps me motivated.

To cleanse or not to cleanse: If you make the right food choices you do not need to cleanse. It is all about moderation and balance. Even though that sounds so boring and redundant it is true.

Beauty essential: Rub Rub Rub exfoliating scrub by Lush, Bioderma, witch hazel, lip moisturizer, and Avene face moisturizer and body lotion.

Hair remedy: I actually don’t do much with my hair. I make sure to condition it and do a deep conditioning treatment before each fashion season.

Fragrance of choice: B by Balenciaga and Candy by Prada.

Best advice from mom: She taught me the importance of and knowledge behind healthy living, and that food is your source of energy.

Best advice from the pros: Be true to yourself and positive towards both yourself and others.

Beauty icon: Audrey Hepburn.