This Week’s Model: Suvi Koponen
While most of Tyra’s girls haven’t done much since America’s Next Top Model, 21-year-old Suvi Koponen (left, in Armani's fall 2009 campaign) still gives aspiring reality-TV models hope. After becoming a contestant on Model...

What was it like being on Model School? It was fun; it wasn’t like America’s Next Top Model where the girls have to do ridiculous things and the judges are really mean to them. Our show was basically a school. They didn’t expect us to know anything; we were there to learn.
You recently moved to Brooklyn. What do you like about the scene there? I love Brooklyn! It has so many nice restaurants and cool bars. I really love my apartment, so I’m always having friends over to watch movies and such. There’s a dog park near us, which is great since my boyfriend, Tyler [Riggs], and I have three dogs.
You hang out with a lot of models; who are your closest friends in the industry? My boyfriend, Stas [Svetlichnyy], Heidi Mount, Cat McNeil, Alana Zimmer, Meghan Collison, Abbey [Lee Kershaw] and Steph Carta.
What are your guilty pleasures? I love snacks—nuts, chips, cookies, candy!
Is it true you have a little bit of a shopping problem? Yes, I love buying random things. I can’t even walk into a place without leaving with something I definitely won’t need.
Who are your favorite designers? Richard Chai and Marc Jacobs. They’re really cool and so talented.
You have several tattoos, what do they stand for? I have my initials (S.M.K.) on my neck, which are also the first letters of everyone in my family; the Aries sign behind my right ear; the word “imported” under my right breast; the number five on my left side—its the number of people in my family and my lucky number. I also have “Cat” on my right wrist, 3 lines on my left wrist that stand for my brother, my sister and myself; the words “simple but true” on my right foot and a little cross on my left ankle.
Check back next Tuesday for the next installment of “The Skinny.” Read our previous model Q&As here.
Runway photos: WWD Staff.