Taylor Swift Raps About Her Cats And Probably Joe Alwyn On New Single “Gorgeous”

After the first two singles from Taylor Swift’s upcoming album, Reputation—including Look What You Made Me Do, the Kardashian-bashing jingle in which Taylor Swift declared that the old version of herself was “dead” and …Ready For It?, the EDM-influenced track about the ups and downs of a secret relationship with a younger man—Taylor Swift dropped a third single, “Gorgeous,” at the stroke of midnight. On this new track, she returns once again to the subject of unrequited love, gifting the world with a tune that hints at a more 1989 inspired sound than her first Reputation-era single, and features a bridge in which she raps about going home to her cats like a self-aware Cathy comic. Maybe the old Taylor isn’t so dead after all!
With a chorus that incorporates a perfectly formulaic dose of repetition, the pop star proves once again that she knows how to churn out a hit, no matter how derivative of her earlier style it may be. Nevermind the backhanded compliment of “Gorgeous”’ chorus or the fact that there are almost no country-inspired guitars to be heard as Reputation shapes up to be purely a pop album, because a Max Martin-produced joint does not disappoint. More traditional Swiftisms reference being supremely frustrated with an unrequited romance, such as, “You’re so cool I hate you so much” and “You’ve ruined my life, by not being mine,” making the song at least an ounce more relatable than the Right Said Fred sampling LWYMMD.
Swift raps to her object of desire, “There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have/Guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats” and finishes that bridge with “Alone, unless you wanna come along.” Diehard fans and just about anyone who follows Swift on Instagram will know that her two cats Meredith and Olivia Benson are named after Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy and Olivia Benson from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and will have to keep their fingers crossed for a feline cameo in the inevitable “Gorgeous” music video.
Fans are also running wild with a theory that Blake Lively’s daughter James is the baby at the beginning of the track cooing, “Gorgeous,” just before the instrumental starts. There might actually be a bit of substance to this rumor, since Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds reportedly hung out with Swift and her boyfriend Joe Alwyn at her Rhode Island home earlier this summer, and if it’s true, then it looks like Blake Lively might have another baby-turned-producer-and-mogul like DJ Khaled’s son Asahd on her hands. Or, perhaps Swift just trained Meredith and Olivia Benson to talk like humans and lend their vocals to the track. Listen for yourself to find out.
Related: Taylor Swift’s New Songs Keep Getting Compared to Old Hipster Hits
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