Note Well
Whether it's custom cards from Benneton Graveur or bright pink notes from Smythson, Sofia Coppola can't get enough of these personalized stationery sets.

Stationery is one of my biggest indulgences. I have different kinds to suit my mood or the occasion, so I like to think it’s okay to have a wardrobe of stationery. Benneton Graveur, the legendary Paris stationer, is known for turning out beautiful and elaborate cards. Marc Jacobs had a drawing of his dogs made into stationery there; I ordered my first daughter’s birth announcement with them and splurged on some cards with our address in cursive when I was first living in Paris. Soon after, I discovered the chic Olivier de Sercey down the street from our apartment on the rue du Bac, which is where I get a lot of mine. I also once ordered monogrammed Smythson cards, with envelopes lined in hot pink tissue, which I still love. And I was excited to hear that Louis Vuitton has started a custom-stationery service! The classic cards come in great brown boxes—and make the best gifts. And the W editors turned me on to Mrs. John L. Strong, who made me these cherry cards and who seem to be able to do anything. I was thinking their gold-firecracker motif would make a nice card, but I should use some of the others up first…
Photos: Note Well
My hot pink Smythson stationery.
I ordered my name in cursive from Benneton Graveur.
The cherry note cards are from Mrs. John L. Strong.
The pale pink set is from Olivier de Sercey.
After seeing this flag stationery at Benneton Graveur, I was inspired to get my daughter’s birth announcement made there.
Marc Jacobs’s note cards from Benneton Graveur.
My new Louis Vuitton custom stationery.