This Week’s Model: Siri Tollerod
Norwegian blonde Siri Tollerod (here, backstage at Marc Jacobs) broke onto the modeling scene in 2007—with a Steven Meisel-shot Italian Vogue spread, no less — and has been going strong ever since. Fresh off a...

Where are you right now? In my apartment in the East Village.
Where have you been traveling recently? Recently I went to Montreal to shoot for the Ogilvy department store magazine; I was in Paris for the couture shows; also, I went to Beijing for a day and a half for the Prada show—not too much to see or do in that time. I went once before [to Beiiing] and had time to see more stuff.
What’s the strangest thing that’s happened to you at a shoot? I had to kiss a cat once on a shoot with Miles Aldridge for Italian Vogue, and I had a snake around my neck — that was kind of creepy — for the recent job in Montreal.
Have you been doing fashion show castings? Yeah, I’ve done a few of them. I can’t really say [which ones]. I did a few of them yesterday for casting directors and for some designers as well.
Do you plan to do all four major fashion weeks? I’m going to skip London I think, and then I’ll just do Milan and Paris after New York.
What are the essentials you always carry around with you during fashion week? My cellphone — very important. I always have a bag of nuts; I have facial cleanser and moisturizer; and my iPod.
Who’s on your iPod? I listen to Royksopp a lot. I like Coldplay a lot, and Oasis. Also, Annie Lennox.
How do you keep your hair and nails from getting trashed during the runway season? I use a lot of conditioner, and not too much shampoo, because the conditioner makes my hair stronger. And I use this oil — it’s kind of like a dry [hair] oil — it’s called Je Veux [Argan Moroccan oil]. For my nails, I use hand cream and just pray that they’ll stay.
Anything new in your wardrobe you’re excited to wear during fashion week? I bought a dress from Helmut Lang which I’m kind of excited to wear. It’s just a short dress with long sleeves — it’s black, and in the middle it’s brown. I got black leather boots from Acne I also plan to wear, with a kind of chunky heel and a buckle on the back. And a beige shirt from Acne.
First thing you plan to do after it’s all over, post-Paris Fashion Week? Probably go back to New York and have day of doing absolutely nothing—just sleep, not wear any makeup, and not have anyone tell me what to do for an entire day. It’s very luxurious.
Any place you’d like to vacation? Somewhere warm and with a really beautiful beach—in the Caribbean . . . Turks and Caicos, probably. I’ve never been there.
How do you spend your free time? I read a lot. I like to go skiing, I like to go fishing . . . As much as I like those cold winter sports, I’m also very much a fan of summer, so I love the sun and just being outside when it’s nice and warm, especially when I can go hiking or lay on the beach. I like to be outdoors a lot.
What are you currently reading? Anna Karenina by Tolstoy
Are you going to carry it with you during fashion week? That’s a heavy book. I try but it is really large. Here in New York I can carry it, but I hope to finish it before I go to Milan, and bring a smaller book [to Milan]. I have a lot of books waiting to be read. I’ll either bring On the Road by Jack Kerouac, or I’ll bring Italian Shoes by Henning Mankell.
What are your guilty pleasures? Benny’s Burritos, cheesecake, or carrot cake.
Who are your closest model friends? Kasia Struss, Alana Zimmer, Sheila Marquez . . . I saw them yesterday after castings. We went to have a cup of tea at Café Select in Soho, to just relax and not really do anything — just talking.
What’s your favorite place in New York? For restaurants, I really love 7A for breakfast; I also really like Gnocco for Italian food. For shops, I love Scoop in Soho, and the Acne store.
Any New Year’s resolutions? My resolution this year is wearing seatbelts in cabs.
What do you see for yourself in the year ahead? I’ll probably figure out what I want to study — I think I want to go back to business school, but I don’t know which part of business I want to go deeper into, whether it’s PR or marketing.
Would you study in the States or in Norway? Or somewhere else? I have to decide on that, too.
And what are you up to today? I have some castings, and then I’m going to a massage place in Queens with Kasia [Struss].