Silvano Expands
Da Silvano regulars may have noticed that the ever popular Manhattan eatery’s owner, usually a fixture among his tables, has been absent lately. That’s because Silvano Marchetto and his wife, cartoonist Marisa Acocella Marchetto, have...

Acocella Marchetto, have been spending time at the second location of Da Silvano, which opened in Bodrum—the Hamptons of Turkey—this past summer. The Marchettos fell so in love with the country, according to Silvano’s daughter Leyla (who is a partner with her dad in New York’s Scuderia, located across the street from Da Silvano), that Silvano is now looking to open a branch in Istanbul in 2010. “He and Marisa love the open-air markets and the restaurants there,” she says. “They came back with tons of evil-eye accessories and great tans.”