Fancy Feet

Last night Salvatore Ferragamo celebrated the Vara shoe's 35th anniversary and the launch of L'Icona, a website featuring portraits shot by Claiborne Swanson Frank of "iconic" women wearing the Vara shoe and a limited edition service that allows viewers to customize their own pair.

by Vanessa Lawrence


What: Salvatore Ferragamo party celebrating the Vara shoe’s 35th anniversary and the launch of L’Icona, a website featuring portraits shot by Claiborne Swanson Frank of “iconic” women wearing the Vara shoe and a limited edition service that allows viewers to customize their own pair.

Where: The rooftop of the McKittrick Hotel, home of Sleep No More, which was transformed into a botanical feast, with a thatched floral-bedecked archway, bouquets and pillows covered in the Vara’s signature grosgrain ribbons.

When: April 30th

Who: The young and the beautiful, like Lily Aldridge, Jessica Hart, Ashley Platt, Caroline Winberg, Nicole Trunfio, Alexandra Richards (who acted as DJ) and Sophie Auster, who gave a head-banging performance.

Why: It’s spring people, get in the spirit. And a party for a shoe means potential additions to your footwear collection. Just saying.

Photos: David X Prutting/