The Meryl Streep ‘She Knew’ Poster Artist Unsurprisingly Revealed to Be Alt-Right Trump Supporter

In a development that we should have suspected from the start, the artist behind the trove of Meryl Streep “She Knew” posters in Los Angeles has unmasked his identity so he can discuss the rationale behind his “art.” He’s essentially the alt-right version of Banksy, and he has a soft spot for President Donald Trump, and of course you can leave it to the alt-right to find a way to blame a scandal stemming from the faults of men on a prominent woman.
Sabo, a pseudonym of the former U.S. Marine who has been involved in L.A.’s street art community for more a decade, confirmed he was inspired to do the “She Knew” campaign because of Streep’s relationship with Harvey Weinstein. Specifically, he believes Streep was complicit in Weinstein’s crimes by knowing he was a serial harasser and assaulter before it came into the public consciousness. Yet, he can’t prove it. “She’s swiping at us so we’re swiping back,” the conservative artist explained to The Guardian. “I wasn’t sitting in a room with her. I can’t say 100 percent. But I’d say anyone in the [film] industry had a pretty good idea. I think she knew. Maybe she was providing Weinstein with the fresh meat.”
He didn’t expound on his work aside from that statement, hoping that the “She Knew” imagery plastered around the city would speak for itself. (Uh, yeah, mission accomplished, we guess.) However, it should be noted that Streep has unequivocally denied knowing about Weinstein’s abusive history, most recently in a statement released to Rose McGowan after she accused Streep of hiding the truth from the public. “I did not know about Weinstein’s crimes, not in the 90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others. I wasn’t deliberately silent,” she said. “I didn’t know. I don’t tacitly approve of rape. I didn’t know. I don’t like young women being assaulted. I didn’t know this was happening.”
Of course, it seems like the artist’s intentions were pretty clear: a sloppy attempt to turn the #MeToo campaign against women.
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