Rihanna Shares Controversial Photoshop Masterpieces of Queen Elizabeth’s Head on Her Body

It looks like Queen Elizabeth II has had some very serious “Work” done, courtesy of Rihanna. In a five-part tribute posted to her Instagram, the singer shared photoshopped pictures featuring the queen’s head on BadGalRiri’s own body—and if you haven’t already seen them floating around the internet this weekend, well, they’re really quite something.
The first iconic composite of Her Majesty in a matching kelly green hat and jacket merged with a paparazzi-captured photo of Rihanna’s own green thigh-high-boot-clad legs, complete with green fur wrap, appeared on Instagram Saturday. The only explanation: a caption that simply reads “be humble”—likely a reference to Kendrick Lamar‘s new single “Humble,” which coincidentally (or not) also contains the now-famous line “I’m so f—— sick and tired of the Photoshop.”
Other Photoshop creations with song-lyric captions followed in quick succession, including a pic of the queen in a red hat and photoshopped shades atop Rihanna’s red heart-shaped-fur-swathed body; a tiara-wearing queen in the mesh crystal bodysuit by Gucci that Rihanna recently sported at Coachella; and a particularly racy shot featuring the queen added to a photo from the artist’s Paper magazine photo shoot, in which she wears a Chanel suit with nothing underneath the jacket and holds a 40 in a convenience store. The final royal image Rihanna posted to Instagram arrived Monday, featuring a profile shot of the queen in Dior sunglass and a caption that reads “haters will say it’s photoshop.”
See, we told you QEII was having an unlikely fashion icon moment.
The likely reason behind Rihanna’s photoshop tribute? The Queen just celebrated her 91st birthday on Friday, April 21. And while some lauded Rihanna’s creativity, many were none too pleased with the unconventional tribute to the royal.
Several Instagrammers commented on Rihanna’s posts, saying that the pics were disrespectful. One commenter wrote, “This is offensive to me as a British citizen! That is my monarch and I find it angering that Rihanna has seen fit to disgrace my queen in such a way!” Another commented, “There is something called respect here in England please if someone did that to u mum u will be jumping up and down u are not having it this had to stop now.”
Still, God save the Queen—and Rihanna.