Planet Pat
Now that she herself is approaching household-name status, it's only fitting that Patricia Field is launching a collection on the Home Shopping Network this fall. Unveiling a handful of looks over a lobster roll lunch...

Now that she herself is approaching household-name status, it’s only fitting that Patricia Field is launching a collection on the Home Shopping Network this fall. Unveiling a handful of looks over a lobster roll lunch at Lever House on Tuesday, the dynamo designer – all maraschino locks and micro mini-clad legs – sounded tickled pink to be expanding her reach to HSN’s four million (mostly female) viewers.
“This is a project that’s about clarity, communication and storytelling,” she said of the line, which has been dubbed Patricia Field Destination Style New York and represents, she says, “pretty much the greatest hits” of her long career. (To wit, there’s an asymmetrical dress with a positively humongous flower attached to the lone shoulder.) “It’s about bringing storytelling and style together in a beautiful way. And it’s affordable. Affordable is important to me. Always has been. Because I am, in the end, for democracy.”
What Field is adamantly opposed to, however, is airy, ethereal chatter about the deeper meaning of dresses. “When I hear questions about fashion, I’m like, `God, that’s so abstract. You’ve just left the planet.'”
Photo by Jemal Countess/WireImage