Paris Hilton Says She Won’t Do Another Reality TV Show

Depending on your age, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie’s precious reality series The Simple Life either feels lifetimes ago or like it was just yesterday when the pair came to the realization that Walmart, in fact, does not sell “wall stuff.” Precisely, it was 10 years ago when the series was officially cancelled and reality television has become a full-fledged genre in the meantime. But, while the aughts are certainly having a come back — with the Hilton heiress leading the way — one thing that will not be resurfacing anytime soon is a Paris Hilton reality TV show. Sorry, Simple Life fans.
Hilton has offered that definitive stance in a cover story for Ocean Drive Magazine. “I literally get calls every single day from every network, form every single producer in town pitching me different ideas, but I feel like The Simple Life was just so iconic and one of a kind that you can’t replicate that,” she says. “I can’t see it going better than that show. My priorities are different. I’m running a huge business and I’m traveling. I don’t really have time to do a bunch of fake drama on a reality show.”
No doubt that’s true. Just yesterday, Hilton revealed she’s the latest celebrity to come forth with her own skincare line. Her first product? Unicorn Mist, a rose water spray that comes in an iridescent bottle begging to be posted to Instagram. Outside of her budding beauty company, Hilton is also preparing her second album, the follow up to 2006’s Paris — the one that gave us the reggae-tinged pop song “Stars Are Blind.”
Plus, Hilton has been increasingly vocal about starting her own family soon. “I definitely want to have more than one [baby],” she told Ocean Drive when talking about her relationship with actor Chris Zylka. “I would be happy with, but three I would be even happier.” Earlier this month, Hilton said the same thing to TIME, telling the publication, “I can’t wait for the next step in our life, to have beautiful babies. Then I feel like my life will be complete, you know what I mean? I may feel like a kid and look like a kid, but I’m not. I would love to just, like, move on. To continue being a businesswoman, but to have a family.”