Olympia of Greece Loves Swimming, Doesn’t Wear Perfume

Princess Olympia of Greece, who models fall’s finest couture in W’s October 2014 story “Artful Living” alongside Kendra Spears, is just like any 18-year-old when it comes to her beauty routine. Here, the model shares the advice her mother Crown Princess Marie-Chantal has given her, her skincare secret, and favorite moisturizer.
Beauty essential: Lots of sleep.
Skincare secret: I’m obsessed with Dr. Lancer in L.A.
Manicure or pedicure: Both.
Exercise regime: I just got a gym membership, so I’ll start this week.
Spinning or swimming: Swimming in Greece.
Best advice from mom: She always told me to never go out looking like a slob since you never know who you’ll bump into.
Best advice from the pros: Relax.
Necessary splurge: Handbags… I just love handbags.
Drugstore favorite: American toothpaste when in the U.S.
Spa treatment__: __ Eve Lom facial by Eve Lom at the Sanderson.
Fragrance of choice: I don’t wear perfume, just Amazing Grace by philosophy cream.
Beauty icons: Linda Evangelista.— I just love her.