Miley Cyrus Is In the Hospital, and Apparently Having the Time of Her Life

Miley Cyrus currently has tonsillitis—or, as she put it in an Instagram Stories dispatch from her bed on Monday, “a fucking fuck” that “fucking blows.” Unfortunately, things have escalated to the point that on Tuesday, the 26-year-old singer headed to the hospital—or, as she’s taken to calling it, “the hospy.” And yet, Cyrus is not only staying positive and making the most of her stay: She also appears to be having a grand ‘ol time.
From the look of her Instagram, Cyrus settled in by using the time to revisit her various achievements over the years, which apparently include the invention of nipple pasties. Then, the first of many visitors arrived: Her mom, Trish Cyrus. “Thank you mama for helpin this little sickyyy look a little bit better by brushin my hair for me @tishcyrus mommy’s are the best!,” Miley captioned a mirror selfie. “How you present yourself can determine how you feel!”
Then, Miley took things to another level: Her next post offered visual proof that she had “redesigned” her hospital gown, transforming it into a dress with a halter top. “Kinda @ysl @courtneylove / @skyferreira vibes,” she wrote, along with the hashtags “#punkrockbabydollhalter #werkwithwhatyagot #itscalledfashion #getintoit #youcantbuystyle #DIY.”
Next up in the line of visitors were the photographer Vijat Mohindra and the designer Bradley Kenneth, who littered Miley’s bed with rose petals. Clearly, that merited a slide in her Instagram Stories, which Miley captioned “I ❤️MY MAIN GAYS!”
If you’ve been at all keeping up with Miley as of late, you’ll have no problem whatsoever guessing Miley’s next guest: Cody Simpson, with whom she’s currently very enthusiastically enjoying “Hot Girl Fall.” In addition to roses, Simpson also brought his guitar, and proceeded to serenade Miley with a song he’d written just for her. Naturally, Miley was thrilled.
If things go according to plan, Miley will be leaving the hospital behind soon: She’s hoping to make it to Gorillapalooza, a charity event hosted by Ellen DeGeneres on Saturday. “Hoping the Rock star G*DS send me a boost of bad ass and help me kick this shit to the curb where it belongs! We got gorillas to save!,” she wrote, tagging Bruno Mars and Portia de Rossi in her call to action. After all they’ve done, here’s hoping Tish, Simpson, and her “main gays” managed to snag an invite, too.
Related: Miley Cyrus Is Having a “Hot Girl Fall” with Cody Simpson