Meghan Markle’s Beagle Appears to Catch a Ride With the Queen

For the past eight decades, the Queen of England has never had a dog that wasn’t a corgi, but she appears to be making an exception for one special beagle. In a video captured by the Daily Mail (which can be viewed below), Queen Elizabeth II speeds off in the back of a Range Rover toward Windsor on Friday, one day before the royal wedding. But who’s the good boy hitching a ride, sitting next to her and pressing his little face against the window? Why, according to Lainey Gossip, it appears to be none other than Meghan Markle’s dog, Guy.
It’s not clear why the queen has Guy with her (she’ll be having afternoon tea with Meghan Markle’s mother, Doria Ragland, so maybe she wants to bond over a familiar face?), but really, who needs an explaination? The optics are adorable, and the inherent awwww factor helps our brains check out momentarily on an otherwise garbage Friday. More of this, I say!
It’s a long way to come for Guy, a plucky, wide-eyed orphan from Kentucky who was scooped up by Markle three years ago. According to CTV News, the then-actress was in Canada shooting Suits and she’d been corresponding with the founder of an Ontario rescue to find a friend for her first dog, Bogart. Bogart did not click with one intended beagle, but it was apparently “love at first sight” for him and Guy.
“It’s a total fairy tale,” Alison Preiss, the marketing manager of Pet Valu Canada, where the pups met, told CTV News. “He was living in a shelter; nobody wanted him. Now, he’s running around the palace with the royal family.”
Unfortunately, Guy and Bogart have since been separated. While Guy schmoozes with the royals, Bogart has remained in Toronto, Express reported, since he was apparently too old to adapt to the move.
Sad as that may be, let’s not let that diminish Guy’s huge upgrade. Clearly, he’s having the time of his life. And the pooch’s arrival will be good for Queen Elizabeth, too, who lost her last corgi in April. No word, however, on whether or not Guy has met Lupo, the English Cocker Spaniel owned by Prince William and family.
Related: Two of Barbra Streisand’s Pets Are Clones of Her Now-Deceased Dog Samantha
10 Famous Pets to Follow on Instagram
Handle: @ToastMeetsWorld Followers: 281K Claim to fame: Pet of meme king @TheFatJewish.
Handle: @OscarFrenchieNYC Followers: 69.3K Claim to fame: His face once appeared on a pair of limited-edition ankle socks.
Handle: @SamsontheDood Followers: 60.2K Claim to fame: General dog about town.
Handle: @LiveFredTastic Followers: 3804 Claim to fame: Modeled for Barneys in honor of Freds’ new menu for dogs.
Handle: @CatnipandCarrots Followers: 14.6K Claim to fame: The best four-cats-and-two-bunnies Instagram out there.
Handle: @ps.ny Followers: 81.5K Claim to fame: Fido must have a social media manager, because this feed rivals even the most skilled human ‘grammers.
Handle: @8lbPooch Followers: 7,216 Claim to fame: Goldie is the ultimate master of disguise.
Handle: @TinkerbelleTheDog Followers: 32.7K Claim to fame: One time she met Peter Gallagher on the street, and he told her she was pretty.
Name: #ToulouseGrande (but you can follow Toulouse’s journey via @ArianaGrande’s page) Claim to fame: Pet of Ariana Grande, star of the new Coach campaign.
Handle: @TheDailyWalter Followers: 23.7K Claim to fame: Has a killer squad of equally cute bulldog pals.