McQueen for Target
When Western fashion designers talk about expanding into new global markets, they're often referring to far-flung frontiers like China and Dubai....

When Western fashion designers talk about expanding into new global markets, they’re often referring to far-flung frontiers like China and Dubai. But Alexander McQueen, it seems, is more interested in places like Cleveland and Milwaukee. “Apart from the East and West coasts, my company doesn’t have any visibility in the U.S.,” he told WWD. “I always liked the idea of people in the Midwest wearing my clothes; the idea of this upstart from London going where people haven’t heard of me.” To make his vision a reality, McQueen has signed on with a retailer that knows a few things about the center of the country: Target. Launching in March, McQ Alexander McQueen for Target will feature clothes with a Brit-rock vibe, including studded jeans, tuxedo jackets and prom-style dresses. The collection maxes out at $129.99 and kicks off Target’s Designer Collaborations initiative, which employs big fashion names to create one-time-only lines for about 250 stores, with each designer choosing a muse. (The program builds on the success of Target’s Go International, which features up-and-coming designers and is sold in most Target stores.) McQueen’s inspiration was Liela Moss, lead singer of London band the Duke Spirit. “I was looking for someone with the uttermost feeling of McQ,” McQueen told WWD. “She’s a great-looking girl and has a personal style.” Time will tell whether Middle America agrees.