This Week’s Model: Lily Aldridge
Lily Aldridge hails from quite the fashion family — her half-sister, Saffron Aldridge, was a multiyear face of Ralph Lauren in the ‘90s; her half-brother, Miles Aldridge, is a top fashion photographer and married to...

Where are you now? In New York, at my apartment in the West Village. Earlier today I was doing press runs for Victoria’s Secret and appearing on NFL Today.
Have you been traveling any recently? Since the Victoria’s Secret show taping, I’ve stayed in New York. It’s nice being home for a few weeks. But I’m in Turks and Caicos next week, and I can’t wait for the sunshine.
Did you do anything in particular to prep for the taping? I have trainer, so I just did a little extra . . . a little extra pilates, but nothing crazy.
You just got engaged in September, right? Congratulations! Have you set a date? Thanks, yeah! Right now we’re just playing it by ear.
What about a dream wedding dress designer? I’ve been asked a lot recently, but it’s really about what suits me the most and whatever is right for the day. I could get a super high fashion dress, but it’s really about what I feel most comfortable in.
How do you spend your free time? Recently I’ve been watching a lot of Christmas movies — It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol … and I just watched the Christmas Carol cartoon with Jim Carrey voicing. I love Christmas movies!
Any guilty pleasures? Haagen Dazs ice cream bars — the milk chocolate almond kind.
What other aspirations do you have outside of modeling? Acting or singing maybe? I wouldn’t sing — no one would ever want to hear that. But I want to start a family one day, and be involved in more charities, helping children.
Any fun holiday plans? I’m going to London for a few weeks. I’ll do all my Christmas shopping there, at Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, Harrods … they have the best shopping in London, it’s dangerous. So I’ll spend some time there, and then an exotic location for New Year’s, to spend some time on the beach.
What would you most like to receive for the holidays? Well it was just my birthday, and my boyfriend — fiancé, I still have to get used to saying it — got me an amazing gift, what I really wanted. So it’s just about enjoying that and having some relaxing time.
Do you feel like fashion runs in your family? You have a sister and half-sister [Ruby and Saffron Aldridge] who have modeled and a photographer half-brother [Miles Aldridge]… I’ve always been intrigued by it … I would go on shoots with my brother, and my sister [Saffron] would take me on her Ralph Lauren shoots from when I was four.
Where’s your favorite place to vacation? Spain, especially Barcelona. I love the lifestyle — sleep, eat, sleep, eat. I’m such an early bird too; in New York, I go to dinner at like 5 pm, and there, dinner doesn’t even start until 9 pm.
And your favorite place in New York? I love Bar Buto — they have this spaghetti that’s not on the menu. It’s spaghetti with parmesan and butter, and it’s absolutely heavenly. Since the [Victoria’s Secret] show I have had it every day for like two weeks.
How did you find out it existed since it’s off the menu? One day I wasn’t feeling well, and the girl was like, ‘I know what will make you feel better!’ And she brought it to me.
What do you see for yourself in the year ahead? I’ve had such an amazing year, so I just want to keep going ahead and enjoying everything I can.
And any plans for tonight? Actually, I have to wake up at 3:30 am, so I’m going to sleep right away after we get off the phone. But I don’t have anything the day after, so it’s okay — I just have to sleep early again tomorrow night to recover.