Kylie Jenner Is a Mommy Blogger Now, Basically
She entered full-on mommy mode in an impromptu Twitter Q&A with fans on Sunday night.

In lieu of a new episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians on Sunday night, we were given something even more spectacular—Kylie Jenner in full-on mommy mode, as evidenced by her impromptu Twitter Q&A session with her fans.
She recently shared photos of baby Stormi Webster on her Snapchat, and Jenner continues to open up about her life now that she is back from her semi-hiatus from social media. It seems that little Stormi already has quite the reputation with the Kylie Jenner Twitter fan club, but what else would you expect from the inspiration behind the latest Kylie Cosmetics collection, “Weather”?
After Jenner tweeted that she was spending her Sunday evening with her daughter, Stormi, fans replied with all sorts of questions—about Jenner’s favorite part of her daughter (she loves everything about her, of course, but those little baby toes take the cake), if she would one day share some maternity photos (she tweeted she has “tons”), about the first thing she ate after she gave birth (bread from Craig’s, one of the Kardashians’ favorite West Hollywood dining hot spots).
Jenner was quick to respond to her fans, revealing which sister she told about her pregnancy first, how her mom, Kris Jenner, initially reacted to the news, and the strange cravings she had while pregnant.
Jenner acknowledged that her top three cravings were Eggos, In-N-Out, and donuts, but the worst part—although she insists there technically was no “worst” part of being pregnant with her daughter—was that she could not eat sushi. No wonder she and Travis Scott went on a sushi date in Malibu in February just a few weeks after Stormi’s birth.
She even included some strong words of encouragement for a pregnant fan.
Now that her sister Khloé Kardashian has revealed that she will be introducing another baby girl to the Kardashian empire, it will soon be time for a meeting of the minds between Khloé Kardashian’s new baby, Chicago West, and Stormi Webster (the latter of the two are already besties, according to Jenner’s Twitter Q&A session). We’re looking forward to that inevitable mommy blog.