Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Once Had a Huge Fight Over Her Instagram Layout

If musing about the contents of the marital disputes between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have ever kept you up at night, you’re the target audience for the latest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. As People recapped, Sunday’s installment of KUWTK was all about the Wests’s petty squabbles — and, boy, are they petty, covering everything from bad Instagram layouts and aesthetically displeasing band-aids.
“He wanted to me post six Polaroids from that shoot that I posted — those nude pictures. But I posted one from the beach,” Kardashian recalled. “He wanted them to all match up and be all from the motel. That’s what the fucking fight was! I’m like, ‘I like the beach one.’ He’s like, ‘No, you don’t understand, I see the vision!’”
“He’s like, ‘Fuck your fragrance for one day. You need six motels ones. Why’d you post the beach one? You’ve got to delete the beach one,’” she continued. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, I can’t sit here and organize my Instagram with you. Who cares about this?’ He’s like, ‘I care, trust me.’”
“He’s always right in the end, but I’m just like, it’s my Instagram — you can’t tell me what to post,” Kardashian added. “That’s like, the one thing. No one will tell me what to post. I’m allowed to have an opinion.”
Instagram grids apparently aren’t the only point of contention between the power couple. According to People’s transcript, secular, outfit-coordinated band-aids (or the lack thereof) also get West riled up. “He was like, ‘I’ve slaved around the world for you making clothes for you to make sure that you find the best outfit and you let me go out wearing a Jesus band-aid.’ He said I should have a skin-colored band-aid,” Kardashian said in the episode, per People. “So I’m running around looking for different colored band-aids when I’ve got three kids to look after? … Just because I didn’t give birth to this baby doesn’t mean that my plate is not totally full.”
“When you have three kids, it’s kind of a wild household,” she added. “I’m kind of annoyed because I wish he would understand I’m exhausted. Like, go get your own band-aid.”
The fight didn’t end there. West, 41, then roped their son Saint, 2, into it, claiming that Kardashian would have gotten him a Jesus-less band-aid, had he asked.
“I was like, ‘Oh my God. Are you fighting with Saint? Is this a thing?’” Kardashian asked.
The fight ended with Kardashian relenting and gifting West band-aids (in a heart-shaped box), plus some lingerie, for Valentine’s Day.
“The one thing that I realized is I make such a priority for all the kids, and I go above and beyond for them, but in that, I’m fully neglecting my husband,” Kardashian concluded. “So I just want to give Kanye the attention and love that he needs. … When you have so many kids, it’s important to still make your relationship a top priority.”