Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Assault by Another Victim Who Was Underaged
Accusations against Kevin Spacey continue to mount up with a new accuser claiming that Spacey assaulted him when he was 15.

When Anthony Rapp first made his allegations against Kevin Spacey public, Spacey responded by claiming he didn’t remember the incident, but that if the “inappropriate drunken behavior” had occurred he offered the “sincerest apology.” Spacey then pivoted to claiming the he now chose to live as a gay man. According to a story put forth by a new accuser, Spacey’s inappropriate behavior against underaged boys may not have been a one-off thing or merely “drunken behavior.” In an interview with New York magazine, the man claims he maintained a sexual relationship with Spacey when he was just 14 that ended when Spacey tried to force himself on him.
These aren’t the first allegations to emerge since Rapp’s story, but they are the most troubling. Spacey, meanwhile, is now attending therapy, and the last season of his Netflix hit House of Cards remains in the balance.
The accuser chose to detail his story anonymously, but New York confirmed with his friends and therapist that he had talked about the chain of incidents as early as the ’90s and that other details from the story check out. The story is more than worth reading in the man’s own words since it details other aspects of his life, including an abusive relationship with a cousin who had also molested his brother, and his thoughts on living with the abuse since.
The man says he first met Spacey when he was just 12 when the actor, then before his Broadway debut, taught acting classes at a church to children. Two years later, in 1983 (about a year before Rapp’s story), the man, then working as a child actor, says he randomly met Spacey in line for the theater and struck up a conversation with him. Spacey offered his phone number and the pair later arranged a meeting at Spacey’s New York City apartment. “You know why you’re here, I know why we’re here,” he recalls Spacey saying shortly after he arrived. The two then had repeated sexual encounters over a span of time that ended when Spacey allegedly tried to force himself on the boy when he was then fifteen.
“I always have said, ‘He tried to rape me,'” he says. “I told him I didn’t want that, he went again to do it, I told him no, he went again and pushed harder and grabbed me and pushed harder. I don’t know how I would see that as anything besides an attempted rape, which I was able to thwart.”
The man says he was inspired to come forward because of Rapp’s story, but says he’s also always felt guilty that he carried the story with him in secret.
“The low-level guilt that I’ve kind of carried all this time of knowing, in my brain, that these people repeat offend,” he says. “They don’t stop. It’s never one and done.”
He says it took him several years to process what Spacey had done, but did get out of his other abusive relationship with his cousin thanks to the intervention and support of the late theater director and playwright Elizabeth Swados.
Both Rapp and the new accuser’s stories lineup with a time in Spacey’s career when he was making his name as a Broadway actor, but had not yet become a household name. Spacey would eventually find fame with a string of roles in the ’90s that begin with 1992’s Glengary Glen Rose and his Oscar-winning roles in both The Usual Suspects and much later in American Beauty.
Others have also come forward with stories about Spacey since Rapp’s allegation, but they occurred when Spacey had already become famous. Filmmaker Tony Montana claims Spacey groped him in public in 2003. Actor Roberto Cavazos claims that he saw Spacey act inappropriately with young male actors during Spacey’s time as artistic director of the Old Vic theater in London between 2004 and 2015 (the theater has since set up a phone line for any victims to report any inappropriate behavior). A British man claims that when he was 19 in 2010 Spacey followed him from a hotel and exposed himself.
Rumors about Spacey’s questionable behavior with men under 30 have been whispered around Hollywood and the internet for years, but were always obscured by the fact that Spacey was not living as on out gay man.
According to CNN, Spacey is now seeking “unspecified treatment” after the initial allegations surfaced. Netflix confirmed that House of Cards‘ sixth season would be its last (though, reportedly, the decision had been made over the summer), but has now put production of the series on hold.
Related: Netflix Is Reportedly Working on Multiple House of Cards Spin-Offs