What Exactly Is Cupid, Justin Bieber’s New Animated, Hellenic Musical?

To Beliebers, it was always a matter of when, not if, Justin Bieber would be cast to play the God of Love.
And at long last, they have something of an answer. On Tuesday, Bieber Instagrammed an illustration that served as a first look at the “Cupid movie,” an upcoming mythological biopic that’s apparently yet another brainchild of Scooter Braun.
If the film doesn’t ring a bell, don’t be too hard on yourself: The first time that Bieber made mention of such a possibility was back in June of 2018, at which point it almost immediately got lost in a deluge of headlines about his then seemingly fleeting reunion with Hailey Baldwin. As we now know, that was just the beginning of yet another of Bieber’s rebirths. And what with church, wedding planning, and merch dropping, whatever “#cupidmovie” was seemed to have simply gotten lost in the mix.
Now, at long last, Bieber appears ready to resume dropping hints. On Tuesday, he resurrected “#cupidmovie” to accompany another illustration of a person with angular, short hair, this time with an oversized pair of wings.
Mythos Studios, which is behind the film, quickly followed suit, making it official: Cupid is a reality. The same goes for Mythos Studios, which seems to have finally found its raison d’être since launching early last year. Well aware they were expected to attempt revitalizing Marvel’s “D-list characters,” the studio’s founders, Scooter Braun and Marvel alum David Maisel, have decided that Cupid will be just the first in a planned Greek and Roman mythological universe.
As for what Cupid will actually entail, details remain slim. The studio still has yet to cast Psyche, who’ll voice Bieber’s love interest, giving you plenty of time to study up on your mythology. (Not to mention beginning to fathom what happens when Bieber, Kanye West-adjacent industry heavyweights, Hellenic history, musicals, and the MCU collide.)
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