Justin Bieber and Baskin Champion Are Still Hanging Out

With his on-again, off-again relationship with Selena Gomez currently off (again), pop star Justin Bieber is continuing to spend time with Instagram model and former Miss Alabama Teen USA Baskin Champion. And yes, that is still her real name.
According to E! News, Champion arrived at Casa Bieber on Friday afternoon, where they, get this, hung out. “They spent the day inside and she arrived on her own,” says E!’s source. “Justin was waiting at home for her. After spending the afternoon together, they both left the house within a few minutes of each other in separate cars.”
The pair also attended a concert together earlier in the week, as well as the Los Angeles premiere of Midnight Sun, which stars Patrick Schwarzenegger, who is dating Champion’s sister Abby.
But despite their growing friendship, Champion and Biebs are apparently not romantic, as he is still trying to get back with Selena Gomez. “Justin has been upset about the recent break from Selena and is trying to keep busy until they work things out,” a source told E!. “He has definitely been liking [Champion’s] company, but to say they are dating is a huge stretch. Justin isn’t trying to be serious with anyone but Selena.” If there’s one thing we can count on in these tumultuous times, it’s that Justin Bieber is always trying to get back with Selena Gomez.
Related: Who Is Baskin Champion, and How Did She Meet Justin Bieber?
11 Celebrity Couples We’d Like To See Get Back Together By Christmas
Let’s start with one that may already be in the works. If some very suspect social media flirting is to be believed, Jenny Slate and Chris Evans may have already gotten back together following their split earlier this year.
Listen, we know Drake still pines over Rihanna. It is time for the bad gal to settle down and welcome him into her life with open arms.
Jennifer Lawrence broke it off with director boyfriend Darren Aronofsky just before Thanksgiving, so now is the perfect time to reconnect with ex-boyfriend Nicholas Hoult. Their cinematic collaboration in the X-Men films was better received than mother!, at least.
Robert Pattinson’s most notorious relationship may have been with Kristen Stewart, but by far his coolest was with FKA Twigs. The two need to reconcile if only for the future R.Patz-starring indie film, soundtracked by Twigs.
Cara Delevingne may still be credited with background vocals on St. Vincent’s latest album, but surely there is still plenty of collaborations to be had between them, especially if Delevingne wants to expand her model-actress title into a true triple threat.
Earlier this year, Nicole Kidman revealed that years ago she and Lenny Kravitz, father of her Big Little Lies co-star Zoe Kravitz, had once been engaged. This needs to become a reality, if only for the real-life Celeste-Bonnie mother-daughter fan fiction. (No offense to Keith Urban.)
At least year’s Art Basel Miami Beach, Madonna offered to remarry Sean Penn for $150,000, which would go to her charity Raising Malawi, if he bid that amount on a necklace up for grabs. Penn didn’t bite, but maybe it is time to pitch in to a Kickstarter for the cause. Hey, it’s for charity.
Tom Green and Drew Barrymore were the lovable, goofy couple of the early Aughts—a fun-loving, drama-free pair that the would could certainly use these days.
Emo is back in style, and there is no greater poster child of true, angsty love than Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson. Simpson may be enjoying her new status as Diana Ross’s daughter-in-law, but can Evan Ross really pen a love lyric quite like Fall Out Boy?
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady may be the golden couple of the NFL, but back in the day, Gisele was meant to be with another golden boy: Leonardo Dicaprio. Just imagine how much more stylish environmental conventions would be with Bündchen around.
Justin TImberlake may be happily married to Jessica Biel, and Britney Spears happily invested in her new career as a painter, but truly, there was no greater couple at the turn of the Millennium than these two. Justin, bring the romance back. And ‘Nsync, while you’re at it.