Justin Bieber Apologized for Pretending Hailey Baldwin Was Pregnant on April Fools’ Day

After riling up the Internet with a photo of a sonogram, and then again later by revealing it was just a joke, Justin Bieber is officially in apology mode. The singer, who is married to Hailey Baldwin, backtracked on his April Fools’ Day joke after witnessing the backlash to it by the many people in his comments who don’t find pretend pregnancy to be funny when 10 percent of women in the United States are unable to get pregnant or stay pregnant. Bieber addressed this in his apology, writing on Instagram, that he “didn’t at all mean to be insensitive to people who can’t have children.”
“There’s always gonna be people offended, there’s also people who don’t take jokes very well,” he wrote. “I am a prankster and it was APRIL FOOLS’. I didn’t at all mean to be insensitive to people who can’t have children.” According to Bieber, the comment was taken out of context because for “A lot of people I know, their first go to prank on April fools is telling their parents they are pregnant to get a big reaction.”
Still, Bieber proceeded with his apology, writing, “I will apologize anyway and take responsibility and say sorry to people who were offended. I truly don’t want anyone to be hurt by a prank.” He then delivered a comparison that he maybe should have run by someone else first, writing, “it’s like when I shoved cake in my little sisters face for her birthday expecting her to laugh but she cried. You sometimes just don’t know what will hurt someone’s feelings not to compare pregnancy with cake in the face but it’s just to paint the picture of not knowing what will offend. Some might have laughed but some were offended.”
The confusing apology doesn’t end there. After apologizing, then defending himself, then apologizing again, he shared, “I think with pranks you sometimes have to roll that dice. #prankster #dennisthemenace #sorry #truly.”
While Hailey Baldwin has yet to comment on the whole thing, she did participate in the April Fools’ Day prank, to an extent. After Bieber posted a photo of a sonogram—that was literally the second image that comes up in Google search results for “sonogram”—Baldwin wrote “very funny,” which many assumed to be confirmation that it was indeed a joke. Then Bieber posted another photo of Baldwin holding her stomach while on a doctor’s table with the caption, “If U thought it was April fools.” Which is all to say this is just another reminder that what you see on Instagram isn’t necessarily real.