John Legend Explains How Chrissy Teigen Became “Mayor of the Internet”
The EGOT winner explained why he thinks the world has fallen in love with his wife, Chrissy Teigen.

In case there were any doubts that John Legend is the most doting husband in Hollywood, the musician reminded us all again of his devotion to his wife on Monday night. While presenting Chrissy Teigen, with an award at Glamour‘s Women of the Year Awards, the EGOT winner gracefully gave a speech all about how much he loves his wife, and explained why he thinks the rest of the world loves her so much, too.
Referring to himself as “Chrissy Teigen’s trophy husband,” a teary-eyed Legend opened up to the crowd about his love for his family. “I have a career in the music business, but we all know who the star of the family is. She’s the heart and soul of the family too,” he said. “But I’m not the only one who loves her. Many millions of people who aren’t married or related to her love her, too,” he went on, before explaining that the people who were fans of his music are now Teigen converts. “The number one comment I get from people who USED to be MY fans is how much they LOVE Chrissy,” he joked. “She gets bigger cheers than I do at my own concerts. They love her!”
His rationale for explaining the emergence of the international love fest with the supermodel turned chef turned media maven happens to heavily involve the world wide web, and particularly Teigen’s authentic presentation of herself on social media. “I think the world may have missed out on Chrissy’s full awesomeness if it weren’t for social media,” Legend stated. “Chrissy’s biggest impact may be the way she proves that just by being the person you are, you can make a difference. Being who you are, unapologetically, you can make a difference. She’s been named the mayor of the internet by some. She’s been blocked by the shittiest person on the Internet. I don’t have to say his name,” he continued, referring to the fact that Donald Trump blocked Teigen on Twitter months ago (and continues to do so).
“If you speak up about the things that you believe in, whether it’s immigration rights, postpartum depression or the joys of chicken pot pie—and if you do it authentically and without presumption, you can enlighten another human being you can brighten people’s day. What a gift that is,” Legend announced. “And what a time to do it, right now, when it’s so important to amplify voices of reason, not shut them down.”
The couple has a long history of publicly expressing their love for one another (and playfully trolling each other, when it comes down to it), so it should be no surprise that Legend’s presentation to Teigen could earn him the title of “Husband of the Year.”
Related: Chrissy Teigen’s Anniversary Tribute to John Legend Was as Trolling as You’d Expect