Jennifer Lawrence and Adele Dropped by a New York City Gay Bar for a Round of Drinking Games

If you’re out and about on a Friday night in Greenwich Village in downtown Manhattan, chances are, you’re at a gay bar. Maybe you’re belting a Broadway ballad at Marie’s Crisis, celebrating queer liberation at The Stonewall Inn, or chatting someone up at The Cubbyhole. Same goes for superstars, apparently. On Friday, Jennifer Lawrence and Adele casually dropped by Pieces, one of the city’s oldest gay bars, surprising the crowd and the drag queens onstage.
The very famous duo kept it low-key, entourage-wise, and made no attempt to hide in a dark corner or VIP area. Though there wasn’t any official press coverage, thanks to social media and camera phones, the important moments of the night have been documented online by eyewitnesses for posterity. As seen in one such post, at one point, Adele got onstage and told the show’s host that even though she’s married, she was “fucking obviously” ready to “have a great time with the gays.” She also described her job as “stay-at-home mom,” so don’t expect an album called 30 to drop anytime soon.
The pair also found their way into the spotlight for a lively game of “musical shots” (like musical chairs, but with shots), for which Lawrence quite literally volunteered as tribute. Throughout the game, the pair lobbed bits of smack talk at one another: After Adele accused Lawrence of being “not even relevant to be here” since she’s now an engaged woman (to art dealer Cooke Maroney), Lawrence assured onlookers that the ring on her left hand “has nothing to do with my drinking ability!” Indeed, she went on to claim victory in the intense game, then tackled her pal to the floor.
In conclusion, this friendship is extremely good. Please oh please, JLaw, have your bachelorette party in New York City. And invite Adele. And invite us, too.
Related: Jennifer Lawrence Shows Off Her Engagement Ring at Dior’s Paris Fashion Week Show