Jenna Lyons and Courtney Crangi Have Broken Up
The former J. Crew president and executive creative director has broken up with her partner of six years.

Just when you thought December was off to a good start in terms of celebrity relationships, the reality of the breakup trend pulls you right back in—this time with former president and executive creative director of J. Crew Jenna Lyons and her partner of six years Courtney Crangi.
Lyons divorced husband Vincent Mazeau in 2011 and began dating Crangi shortly after, officially publicly acknowledging her relationship with Crangi at Glamour‘s 2012 Women of the Year Awards, where she received the honor of Fashion Original. Both she and Crangi have children from their previous relationships.
According to a recent New York Times profile of her SoHo home, Jenna Lyons revealed that she and Crangi have split, but did not provide many details on the matter. Her current apartment, which the Times describes as a “3,500-square-foot loft on the fourth floor of a 19th-century cast-iron building” was purchased in 2012, shortly after beginning her relationship with Crangi. Some elements of the house—including the highly detailed medieval bronze table legs in the bathroom—were designed by Philip Crangi, Courtney Crangi’s brother and co-founder of Giles & Brother, a New York City-based jewelry line.
For 26 years, Lyons was at the helm of J. Crew, becoming the brand’s president and executive creative director, but she resigned from those positions in April of this year. Since stepping down from her positions at J. Crew, Lyons has not only spent time renovating her new SoHo apartment, but continues to be the strong leader many women aspire to be. Earlier this month, Lyons appeared at Glamour‘s Women of the Year event again, and interviewed HBO Documentary Films President Sheila Nevins about the merits of strong friendships. As for what’s next for Lyons, in the Times profile, she admits to have been given a handful of new professional and creative opportunities, but has yet to entertain the idea of another big shift just yet.
Related: J. Crew’s Jenna Lyons Was the Rare Successful Designer-Street Style Star