Jane Levy Is Shameless

As a teenager, Jane Levy was not the sassy but sensitive redhead alt-crush that she is famous for playing on ABC’s high school sitcom Suburgatory. “I had a year of being a mean girl in seventh grade,” recalls the 24-year-old actress. “I think it was just the hormones. But even when I was little, I always wanted to be the center of attention.” She laughs. “It was so obnoxious.” Before she got her first gig, on the Showtime series Shameless in 2011, she was a natural blonde. But going red for the role turned out to be a boon for her career: She has three film projects in the works—as well as a burgeoning real estate portfolio. “I just bought a house. And the owners picked my offer because my hair reminded them of a loved one!” Levy, who is blonde once again, will star in the upcoming blockbuster Monster Trucks—think Transformers on Mountain Dew. Only don’t expect Megan Fox’s prototypical action-movie eye candy from this sharp-witted ingenue. “My character’s not babelicious,” Levy says. “No, she’s way cuter. And smarter.”