Meet Ireland Baldwin, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger’s 17-Year-Old Daughter

At a startling six feet two, with California-blonde hair and camera- ready features, Ireland Baldwin, 17 (the daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin), would seem to walk a charmed path. But her genetic gifts didn’t come with a user’s manual. Her Amazonian height was once a source of stress (“I would be like, Oh, God, I’m just going to grow taller and taller, and I’m never going to be able to wear heels. Life’s over!”). She also suffered from eating issues. And when it came to makeup, she was clueless: “In middle school I wore foundation five shades lighter than I should have,” says the Los Angeles native. “I looked like a geisha.” Today, Baldwin’s arsenal includes Clinique and Youngblood foundations, Tarte bronzer, and Smashbox eye shadow. She has come to terms with her stature, happily donning Miu Miu heels at night, “even though they make me look tranny-size.” And she stays grounded with running, yoga, and classes at Equinox and Cardio Barre. She’s even channeled her lifestyle into a blog,, where she answers questions from her peers. “It started as a health blog and progressed into an Ask Ireland kind of thing,” says Baldwin, who plans to pursue acting once she finishes high school. “Girls need to be reminded that it’s not only about losing weight but feeling healthy, too.”