Actress Gillian Jacobs Takes the No Nonsense Approach to Beauty
Moisturizer, water and long hikes with her dog…actress Gillian Jacobs shares her girl-next-door beauty routine.

Actress Gillian Jacobs has more than proven her comedic chops, first as a high school dropout on the cult TV show Community and most recently as a sex and drug addict on Judd Apatow’s Netflix series Love. This Friday, she’ll star as a member of a small improv group waiting for its big break in Mike Birbiglia’s new film Don’t Think Twice.
When it comes to her beauty routine, Jacobs evinces a bare bones, no-nonsense approach and has the gleaming, flawless visage to show for it. And though she has some sound advice (namely, drink more water…), if you’re a product junkie, you might just be the punch line of this joke.
Gillian Jacobs in “Don’t Think Twice”
Go-to beauty look: Moisturizer, no makeup and a smile. Beauty from the inside out: Sleep and drink lots of water. I don’t do enough of either. Exercise obsession: Hikes with my dog on a rainy day. Drink of choice: Water, but we need to be better friends. Medicine cabinet snapshot: Midol, Neosporin and blister Band Aids. A good hair day starts with: It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-in Product. Favorite sheet mask: Le Mieux or Lancer [Skincare]. Product you borrow from the boys: Old Spice deodorant every once in a great while. Products you’ve picked up from the pros: Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder and Kevyn Aucoin mascara (my mascara tends to wind up underneath my eyes almost immediately and the Kevyn Aucoin [one] doesn’t go anywhere!). Preferred reading material when taking a bath: The New Yorker or work or The New York Times crossword puzzle. Beauty appointment you’d most love to nab: Facial with Shani Darden [in Los Angeles]. Most searing beauty question: How do I not look as tired as I feel?