Five minutes with Melissa Mars
French singer-actress Melissa Mars, 29, always wanted to be in the movies, but a few years ago she switched gears and started with music instead, bursting on the pop scene with the album “Et Alors.”...

What was your first reaction when you got the NRJ award at Cannes (France’s top prize) for Mozart the Rock Opera? I cried. It’s the first time I get a prize in my artist career. I slept with it on the first night.
I’ve always dreamed of going up Cannes red carpet. So I wanted to count the steps and savor the moment. But I got so emotional being there with so many photographers, I forgot to count them. And I saw Robbie Williams backstage, Rihanna and Beyoncé, who congratulated us.
What’s the strangest present a fan has sent you? A pocket watch with a photo of the fan with me. It felt a little strange.
How did the encounter go with John Travolta on the “From Paris with Love” set? I was flying. Even though I played a very small part, I was just happy to play with him, to be John Travolta’s personal hooker.
I would have to close myself in just one style. But I like the fairy-rock style.
Would you enjoy being a muse for a perfume, a cosmetic brand, lipstick? Lipstick I could do, with my lips—my pretty lips! It certainly feels like it would be a dream.
What are your hobbies? Photography, and learning languages when I have time. I speak English, Spanish, Japanese, German. The only language I gave up on was Chinese. No one could ever understand me when I was saying, “my name is Melissa Mars” in Chinese.