Celebrities Respond to House Vote for Obamacare Replacement

Today, the House of Representatives moved one step closer toward President Donald Trump’s goal of repealing and replacing parts of former president Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. After a new bill intended to do both passed narrowly, with a vote of 217 to 213, The New York Times reports, many took to Twitter to express their feelings over the move. Some voiced their concerns with the hashtag #IAmAPreexistingCondition, which referenced the many issues now classified as a “preexisting condition” under the new bill, including sexual assault, domestic violence, and a handful specific to women’s health including postpartum depression and C-section, according to Shape, and, even, period symptoms as Bustle reports. Celebrities, however, also weighed in on the troubling Obamacare replacement plan.
Many, including Katy Perry, America Ferrera, and Alyssa Milano urged their followers to take action in response to the House vote. “?ALERT? House just voted to repeal the ACA & “defund” @PPFA. Call your Senators to stop the bill,” tweeted Perry, linking to I Stand With Planned Parenthood.
Meanwhile, some celebrities, like John Legend, outsourced how they can help. “Has someone put together a list of Dem challengers I can donate to to oust Republicans in swing districts?” he wrote, to which his followers offered suggestions like ActBlue, which is currently collecting donations for “Democrats who will run against the Republicans who voted for Trumpcare,” according to its website.
Others, like Sarah Hyland, got more personal in their reactions to the Obamacare replacement. “The revisions to the #AHCA consider domestic violence and sexual assault to be preexisting conditions,” tweeted the actress. “As a victim I’m appalled. #VoteNo.”
Some were just as appalled at how many Americans will lose their coverage. “This new healthcare bill is a low blow to the American People. Sad Sad Sad ##AHCA,” tweeted Octavia Spencer.
“Dear #Maga Americans. Making people die without insurance while the rest of the world enjoys coverage doesn’t Make America Great Again,” tweeted Mark Ruffalo.
Check out some other responses below.
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