Meet Camille Gottlieb, Grace Kelly’s 19-Year-Old Look-Alike Granddaughter
She might not be in line for the throne, but Gottlieb is taking after her grandmother as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, dog lover.

In 1998, when Grace Kelly‘s daughter, Princess Stéphanie of Monaco, gave birth to her third child, Camille, something was missing from her birth certificate: the name of the newborn’s father. That did little to prevent rumors from spreading that her father was Stéphanie’s former bodyguard, Jean-Raymond Gottlieb, but did guarantee that Camille would not be eligible for Monaco’s throne. (Her half siblings, 24-year-old Louis Ducruet and 23-year-old Pauline Ducruet, who’s a designer, on the other hand, are 12th and 13th in line, respectively.)
Now that she’s 19, Camille has taken her father’s last name, and openly celebrated his birthday with an adorable Instagram of them together with the hashtag #TelPereTelleFille—French for #LikeFatherLikeDaughter—and “I’m sorry but my heart belongs to daddy.” Celebrating a birthday with a throwback may seem ordinary, but it was something of a bold move for Gottlieb, who has proved she’s not a typical member of the monarchy in more ways than one.
Gottlieb may have her grandmother’s blonde hair and blue eyes, but she has her own sense of style. Her favorite ensemble, for example, appears to be a Beyoncé hoodie worn as a dress and paired with knee-high boots. She has tattoos, and she spent three years of her life growing up on a circus, when her mother was dating an elephant trainer. But the latter is actually where the similarities with the rest of the family begin to emerge, too: Like her mother, Princess Stéphanie, who has two rescue elephants, Gottlieb shares a love for the creatures, even visiting an elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka last year.
Grace Kelly and her Great Dane on the studio lot between shooting sessions in 1955.
But her passion for animals actually most directly mirrors Kelly’s. (It seems to have been passed onto Pauline, too, given that her dog has his own Instagram.) Kelly had a Weimaraner, a Great Dane, and, thanks to Cary Grant, a poodle named Oliver, whom she packed along with her 80 pieces of luggage when she left behind Hollywood for Monaco to marry Prince Rainier III.
That might sound like a lot, but Gottlieb has in fact upped the family standards: She owns no less than five dogs, as can hardly be missed on her Instagram.
Most of the time, though, appropriately enough for someone who lives in Monaco City, Gottlieb seems to spend much of her time in the water—or on it, atop one of her many enviable pool floats. Sometimes, one of the family pups manages to sneak on their with her, too.
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