Blue Ivy Is Now Telling “Corny Jokes” on Instagram Alongside Her Grandma Tina Lawson

At seven years old, Blue Ivy is living a life that most adults yearn for. She gets to travel the world alongside her real-life-superhero mother and rapper father, she’s surrounded by fine art, and she already has her own stylist. But despite all of those privileges, Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s oldest child is still, well, just a kid, and her grandmother Tina Lawson reminded the world of that when delivering her latest installment of “corny jokes.”
Well, technically, Blue delivered it. This time, instead of telling the joke herself, Lawson gave Blue Ivy the opportunity to do so—and she was really, really excited about it. “Corny joke time with A special guest!!❤️,” Lawson wrote on Instagram in the caption of a video she posted with Blue. “Hi! It’s corny-joke time,” she said, before introducing her granddaughter. “And I’m here with a very special guest: my beautiful granddaughter. She actually gave me the joke. So here it goes!”
Blue ended up telling it herself, though, after saying an enthusiastic “Hey!” from outside of the camera frame. “So, how many petals … I mean, how many lips does a flower have?,” she asks, to which Lawson replies, “Well, how many?” “Two lips,” Blue says. “You get it? There’s a kind of flower that’s called a tulip.”
“I got it. I got it,” Lawson replied.
This isn’t the first time the granddaughter and grandmother duo have struck comedic gold on Instagram. Last May, Blue made a hilarious appearance on Lawson’s Instagram, without even trying. While Lawson was taking a video of a theater the pair were visiting in Paris, Blue schooled her, saying, “You’re not supposed to take videos, Grandma. You’re not supposed to.”
Meanwhile, Beyoncé has scolded her mother, Lawson, for the “corny joke” series. “You know, Beyoncé was telling me the other day that I shouldn’t do corny jokes all the time,” Lawson said back in 2017. “But I told her that when you get my age, you gotta find your light.” Thankfully for Lawson (and the rest of us), Blue is now helping her find that light. That might explain why Blue is already such a natural at taking photos for Instagram, too, as her mom has revealed.