Billionaire Scion Harry Brant Instagrams About His Arrest
You thought it couldn’t get any worse than refusing to pay a minimal cab fare. But of course, it did.

On July 20, Harry Brant, the son of billionaire Peter Brant and supermodel Stephanie Seymour, was arrested for refusing to pay a $27.85 cab fare to his home Greenwich, Connecticut. He tried to make a run for it, but didn’t get very far. He was eventually apprehended and charged with larceny, interfering with an officer, and — oops — drug possession. According to the Stamford Advocate, Brant’s wallet wasn’t totally empty: the police found a “baggie containing a white substance.”
If you thought it couldn’t get any worse, well, it did.
This weekend, following Brant’s mandated court appearance on August 4, the social scion Instagrammed lighthearted references to his arrest. The first photo featured a blonde woman being pinned to the hood of a car with the caption, “Pretty much how it looked.” The second, a glamorous reenactment of Paris Hilton’s arrest: “Let’s be real…It looked like this.” And finally, a photo of Naomi Campbell reading a headline referencing her community service sentence. “The morning after looked like this.” Judging by his tone, it wouldn’t be surprising if Brant’s punishment looked similar to that of Campbell’s, and well, anyone living a life of luxurious privilege.
But if we’re “being real,” the police said Brant was “sweating profusely” upon his arrest and looked “pale in color.”