Billie Eilish Finally Met Her First Love Justin Bieber at Coachella
In the crowd during Ariana Grande’s set, Bieber met his ultimate fan, and vice versa.

If you’re Billie Eilish, meeting Justin Bieber at Coachella might be the ne plus ultra of celebrity encounters. If you’re pretty much anyone else, you might say the same for meeting Billie Eilish. Hailey Bieber (née Baldwin) was thrilled to just see Eilish’s set: “I think she’s fantastic and I’ve never seen her live,” she told W at the time. Ariana Grande welcomed her backstage; Katy Perry held her hand (as Orlando Bloom looked on) and wrote, on Instagram, that “we must protect” Eilish because “beings like her don’t enter our orbit often.” (Katy Perry, cyborg, greets Billie Eilish, extraterrestrial.)
But probably the main event for Eilish—aside from, you know, actually playing a set, lyrical gaffs and sound issues aside—was her encounter, and subsequent dance party, with Justin Bieber during Ariana Grande’s set. (James Corden was also there to witness this fateful summit.) Bieber was among her first loves (and, as she told us in 2017, her first musical inspirations): “It wasn’t like I was just a fan, man,” she told Marie Claire in an interview published earlier this year. “I’ve been in love before, and it was with him.” So their face-to-face meeting in the crowd after sunset at Coachella must have been a sublime one.
Then again, maybe this was actually a great tragedy of Coachella weekend, considering Eilish told Marie Claire, in the same interview, that she doesn’t “even want to meet him,” because “I don’t want to cry in front of him.” But they had already exchanged a few interactions on social media: Bieber, while unable to attend Eilish’s release “experience” for When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, reposted a preview of the singer’s Ellen interview on Twitter with the simple caption “:).” Following her Coachella set, he tweeted, “Proud of you.” Last month, she liked his Instagram post asking for your prayers.