Bill Nye, aka the Science Guy, Turns Up With Meghan Trainor, Winds Down With Stephen Colbert

You might know Bill Nye from those childhood afternoons wiled away on PBS after school, but now, thanks in large part to his Netflix show Bill Nye Saves the World, the Science Guy and multiple Emmy winner is back. On his new series, he’s even expanding his range, walking runway shows and spending lots of time with Karlie Kloss, who’s one of the show’s special correspondents. But he has been ever-present off air as well, from arguing publicly for the existence of global warming to designing bowties to maintaining an Instagram account stacked with selfies with everyone from the Fat Jewish to Steve Aoki. And he’s even found time to go see Meghan Trainor live. Here, find out what else Nye has been up to lately with his culture diet.
What do you read first thing in the morning?
The New York Times online, and in the evening I read the Washington Post. I also always read FIRST UP by Jeff Foust from SpaceNews.
What books are on your bedside table right now?
I’m finishing The Wright Brothers by David McCollough, and I still haven’t finished Sean B. Carroll’s book about ecosystems, The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters.
What TV shows have been keeping you up at night, besides your own?
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. No kidding, that’s my nightly routine.
What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
Bill Nye: Science Guy. (An important film!)
What’s the last piece of art you bought, or ogled?
Star Bowl. It’s a bowl with space-themed silver features. It’s a Taxco, the brand you see in the airport. It’s art; all I do is look at it. A few times, I’ve stored a button in it until I get around to sewing it back on (the button, not the bowl) during one of the late night TV shows.
Bill Nye and Buzz Aldrin Help Launch Nick Graham’s Fashion Show into Orbit
Bill Nye at the Nick Graham show backstage. Photo by Philip Edsel.
Backstage at the Nick Graham Show. Photo by Philip Edsel.
Buzz Aldrin at the Nick Graham show backstage. Photo by Philip Edsel.
Nick Graham, Buzz Aldrin, and Bill Nye at the Nick Graham show. Photo by Philip Edsel.
Backstage at the Nick Graham Show. Photo by Philip Edsel.
Backstage at the Nick Graham Show. Photo by Philip Edsel.
Bill Nye at the Nick Graham show. Photo by Philip Edsel.
Nick Graham, Buzz Aldrin, and Bill Nye at the Nick Graham show. Photo by Philip Edsel.
What was the last thing you saw at the theater?
Miss Saigon, two or three weeks ago.
What’s the last museum exhibition that you loved?
I just went back to the national archives and looked at the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. That’s where you can see this amazing clause: “[Congress shall] promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.” (In the Constitution, the words “Progress,” “Science,” and “Arts” are capitalized.)
What release are you most eagerly anticipating right now?
My book! Everything All at Once: How to Unleash Your Inner Nerd, Tap into Radical Curiosity and Solve Any Problem. It comes out July 10.
Do you have any favorite podcasts?
I listen to Planetary Radio, or PlanRad as we call it. I also listen to StarTalk and once in a while I’ll pick up on one about skeptics.
What’s the last song you had on repeat?
“Sweet Thang” by Nat Stuckey. Not “thing,” “thang”!
What was the last concert you saw live?
Meghan Trainor.
How do you get your news?
Online on SpaceNews, the Washington Post, the New York Times. Oh, and Fox News. I really do watch it, and it’s not easy.
What was your favorite sign you saw at the March for Science?
“There is No Planet B.”
What are your favorite social media accounts to follow?
I follow my correspondents: Mike Drucker, Emily Calandrelli, Joanna Hausmann, Derek Muller, Karlie Kloss. And I follow Neil (deGrasse Tyson), ya’ know.
What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I watch Stephen Colbert and go to bed. And, you can see I’m fine.
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