Awakening at BAM
Marking the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is a fraught enterprise, but the Kronos Quartet’s New York City debut of Awakening: A Musical Meditation on the Anniversary of 9/11, at BAM, seeks to...

For those who plan on attending the September 22 performance, purchase a ticket for a pre-show artist’s talk about Awakening—moderated by NPR’s Brooke Gladstone, the panel will feature Julian Laverdiere, co-creator of the Tribute in Light, Dianne Berkun, artistic director of the BYC and Iranian novelist Porochista Khakpour, author of Sons and Other Flammable Objects, along with David Harrington.
Awakening, A Musical Meditation on the Anniversary of 9/11 Sept 21-24 Visit
Photos: Zoran Orlic