This November, the Astro Poets Are Here to Help You Survive Chaos
Read your horoscope ahead of November, a month that usually winds us down and asks us to reflect with gratitude.

The Earth and its harvest are the true stars of November. However, doubt and what cannot be seen are also things to be grateful for as they shift how we imagine our lives, sometimes in unexpected ways. The full moon in Taurus on November 4 will amplify our desires for security, while the new moon in Scorpio on November 18 will once again remind us that there is real power in chaos, if we survive it. We’re here to help you survive it.
It’s true that you’re known for lots of things—being a great dresser, having an intoxicating laugh, being the life of the party (read: any party), the board meeting, or the bedroom. You never run out of a long line of people who want to be around you (and that line really can run down and around the block). But usually you have very few, real friends. Part of the reason for this is that you can be a bit ashamed of two intense drives in you: your ambition and your anger. You don’t like to come clean about these things to many people, so you keep a lot of people on the surface. The truth is—you aren’t fooling anyone, Aries. Most people who know you even superficially know that once you have a goal, that goal should feel pretty scared until you meet it. This month, you will see a rise in these intense drives and you will feel pretty set on doing the things you have set out to do (and woe to the people who might, accidentally or otherwise, stand in your way). This may or may not be a surprise to you, and this is a good thing. There have been some goals you have been putting off for what may be years (Aries is the sign of unfinished projects) that this month you will actually sit down and do. We hope that they don’t take too long to do, because you’ve been known to dislike anything that requires you to sit still for more than 30 seconds. And in this month of harvest and bounty, you should take a moment to be thankful to that one person who has nurtured you so much in the past year. People say this a lot and it feels empty, but taking some time to do this––to pinpoint who you are most grateful for––will help you move forward into the approaching new year, which you’ll go toward sprinting, head-on, hopefully, with that supportive person right by your side.
Although you are definitely a spring baby, there is something about this month that makes you feel most at home. It’s probably all of the cozy blankets and coats, making you feel safe against the intensifying cold and weather, like you are walking through life in a perpetual hug. You will need these simulated hugs a lot this month, as you charge forward on a work path that is sure to spring forward some great dividends (in some cases quite literally, but also spiritually, too), but perhaps not a lot of family or relationship time. A lot of us are facing career productivity head-on this month, and because you’re a sign that is focused on executing long-term projects, you will see yourself taking the driver’s seat to charge ahead and do the things you both need and want to do. As a Taurus, you are the person who will always do what you want to do (even if it takes you a very long time), but this month you will also start doing what you need to do (which often takes you a very, very long time) at a quicker pace, which will bring you more opportunities to build a stable future. And as you go through these weeks of deep fall, consider all you have achieved and start to think about how strong you truly are. If we had to take safe haven somewhere, we’d set our bets in resting with a Taurus more than any other sign. Be happy that you are that person for so many people and we will spend this month being thankful for you.
This month will pull you in two distinct directions: toward a strong desire to live a very different life and change almost everything, and/or toward an opportunity to deepen your career path and a very important relationship. We can’t tell you what to do but we hope you’ll remember that Gemini is a sign of deep imagination. Almost anything you imagine can come into being. You’re not someone who’s scared of making something that hasn’t been made before, or change for that matter. There will be some close friends or coworkers, maybe fire signs (we know you love them) who may try to discourage you from jumping into the new dream you’ve envisioned for yourself. Try not to ask too many people for advice this month. An omen will reveal itself while you’re traveling, somewhere on a plane or train and you should certainly listen to that omen. This month is also the time to return to books or movies you’re obsessed with and which really fuel your drive because they resemble the kind of life you see for yourself. Don’t worry too much about the outside world and focus on where your inward desires are taking you. Something is trying to speak through you and you should honor and be thankful for that mystery, which has the potential to lead you to love.
Banana Republic coat; See by Chloé skirt; Paule Ka hat. Gap peacoat; Eugenia Kim cap; Emporio Armani bag.
You’re about to gain some important perspective on your finances and short term future. The practical though not always visible side of your personality will come to benefit you around the second week of November and you’ll be quite impressed with yourself. The bad news is, although you may not see it coming, someone who you thought was a friend will betray you and almost transparently so. Allow this to be an experience which resets all your other friendships and brings you back to what you actually want from relationships with others, what you value. Not much is said about Cancer’s manipulative and vindictive streak, but it’s certainly there and this month you’ll have the opportunity to either put that side of you into action or to really ask yourself the hard questions about why you keep certain people around. It’s important to remind yourself that not everyone wants an overpowering, life-changing connection with another human being, as hard as that is to imagine for you. Really take the time to discern who does and where those people fit into your life and show some form of appreciation for them that goes beyond the domestic, which we know you’re good at. A chance to change something in your love life is coming, but it will truly depend on how honest you can be in your close, non-romantic friendships, which will test you before the holidays.
For all of your bombastic nature, addictive energy, and killer grin, only the people who know you well know that you aren’t really arrogant. Yes, you can be deeply insecure, not trusting your instinct, and this is truly unfortunate. In delicate situations, where you have to make a quick decision, you can often be immobilized until you have consulted for hours with your inner circle about the pros and cons of each choice. Again, many people in your life don’t see this side, they only see the strong lion, walking down the street with flare, making decisions left and right, winning arguments just by walking through the door. This month will bring some profound conflicts, particularly in your family sphere, as you struggle to make these right choices. You can draw on the power of your group mind to help prop you up, so that you keep making an entrance. And in this month of gratitude, it makes a lot of sense to thank these trusted souls who will protect you now, and in the future. We really don’t have to tell you to do this, because (aside from the loyalties of both Cancer and Taurus) Leo is truly the most loyal sign, spoiling those who have stood by them a thousand fold. But we might as well mention it, that you will do well to shower those around you with good energy and it will come back to you big time, with your karmic mirror positioned directly at you this month.
People often think of Virgo as the person ready to clean up the messes of others, with a heavy emphasis on the practical and sensual, ready to help everyone achieve their goals efficiently. But this month will show another, lesser known side of Virgo: your nerdy one. You will approach late autumn with a general curiosity to know more, to question more, and to contribute more to conversations on how to make our world a better place to live in. That last bit of generosity is of course part of your nature, as you can’t see the purpose of doing anything, unless it helps a general goal. However, whether you are thinking of others or yourself, the effect will be the same—you will find yourself reading and writing a lot more and learning new tasks. Another side of Virgo that people often don’t think about is your spiritual one. And as we all pass through the veil that conflates this world and the next, and come out on the other side in November, you will sense the restless spirits that swirl around this time of year. As you strive to know more in general, this ghostly mood may also make you desire to learn more about the spiritual realm and take up a new pursuit of knowledge. All of this studying will have profound effects as the months move forward and you will be thankful that you have begun these independent, philosophical inquiries.
There’s been a real metaphorical wind pushing you toward a new goal, one you haven’t shared with many people, one that you’re keeping to yourself and trying to fully envision. It’s going to take more than the hard work you’re already known for to make this happen. Keep your plans a secret for as long as you wish but do something every week that moves you closer to taking the risk you’re musing on. November is usually a month that winds us down and asks us to reflect with gratitude. You need to keep pushing forward and not let reflection distract you. The stars are in mid alignment toward revealing something important about your true work in the world, not just what pays your bills. Somewhere in the middle of the month you’ll be confronted with a mistake you’ve made in the past or recently, it may be in a friendship or with a colleague. How you handle yourself in relation to this mistake will be more important than the mistake itself. The person you need to be grateful for this month is you, and your wild ambition. Give yourself a break, in the face of any small failures, and place several black onyx stones around your bed. They will keep you focused on the real work at hand.
Altuzarra for Target jacket; REDValentino dress; the Kooples skirt; Preston & Olivia fedora; TomTom Jewelry ring; Giuseppe Zanotti Design shoes. Guess romper; Preston & Olivia fedora; Michael Michael Kors belt; Mulberry clutch wallet; Giuseppe Zanotti Design shoes.
Your true powers reside in this late stretch of the year. Lingering romantic obsessions will preoccupy your thoughts this month without much creative or practical use. Shift your focus away from them and toward changing something central to how you experience and view your living space. As a Scorpio you’re always attempting to surround yourself with relics that remind you of deeply charged places or moments in your life. It may be good to clear some of those out and work against your usual impulses. Geminis and Libras will be important people to listen to this November and to lavish with as much attention as possible as they will be central in an upcoming argument or dispute, for which you’ll want them in your corner. Believe in the voice, the one that will find you outside the city you live in, and question the veil of indifference you’re using to protect yourself when it comes to a painful family situation. Money is not what’s important this month, though several people around you will try to convince you otherwise, and manipulate you into thinking it has to do with your well being. Keep your guard up and remember that you are your own taskmaster.
This month will be a productive one for Sagittarius. And we don’t say that flippantly (we’d be scared to say anything we haven’t thought out because we know you’d call us out on it). Of all the signs, Sagittarius tends to be the luckiest—it’s ruled by Jupiter—moving out from crisis after crisis (sometimes of your own making) with new strength gained. This is generally because your blunt nature clears away the nonsense of life, and connects you to people who are your true soul mates and not just those you can simply pass the time with. Resorting to these classic Sagittarius strategies will reinvigorate your work environment this month. You hate being told to be thankful, mostly because you hate to be told to do anything, but this month you should be thankful for time, whatever time you’ve managed to steal away for yourself, and in that time rather than courting romance, feed your creative drive. November will make you think intensely about how you want to spend the next chapter of your life (which could begin soon) and how you can be as impactful as possible. You will have some help along the way from another trusted fire sign (you may know who), but also from a former love interest.
It’s a cliché that you are the sign most focused on career, leadership, making money, and setting down strong foundations. But it’s also true, because you are the type of person who can get incredibly anxious if you don’t know how your earthly concerns will be met in full. The image of a November harvest is a great symbol for what you deeply love—this idea of the earth spilling up its bounty and taking the time to worship all life has to offer. And while everything having to do with your career sphere will be positive this month and you will have moments of real productivity, you will also be yearning for something more, for the satisfaction of emotional connection, profound conversations, and most importantly, family. You may have the urge to be together in new places and plan a fall escape that will give you the intensity you’re really after. Or you may simply use your executive skills to plan some fancy meals for the people you love the most. Because you may have a hard time actually telling the people around you how much they mean to you, but you don’t have a hard time showing them.
One of the most empathetic signs in the zodiac, which surprisingly can also be one of the most aloof, is you. We say this because several close friends will truly need you this month but won’t tell you directly. Your intuitive powers are tremendous and will lead you to these people. This November sees you as a rock and a real source of strength not only for yourself but for others. At work you’ll be rewarded for taking leadership in an area that may not be apparently yours to lead. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to propose an alternative path or solution which you’ve been thinking on for a while. Make a conscious effort for your personal style, fashion and otherwise, to really sync up with your intentions this month because people will be looking to you and trying to find meaning in your every daily gesture and presentation. At some point around the Scorpio new moon (November 18), you should make a list of several places you want to visit in the next year and who you want to go there with. As the month unfolds, resist the urge to use silence as a way to communicate—you’re the narrator and the dialogue this November. You’re the sun for many people in your life.
Real doubts about major life decisions—people you’ve taken back or pursued relationships with, where you’re living and specifically real estate you’ve purchased or are considering purchasing—will surface this month. It won’t do you much good to “power through” them as we’re culturally encouraged to. You’re going to need to make friends with your doubt. You’re going to need to talk to it and ask what it wants or why it’s still there. Even as the wise, old water sign that you are, patience is something you need to learn over and over again. This is the month that will begin to teach you patience whether you’re ready or not. Don’t rush into anything. Considered indecision is just fine, even if it will infuriate some of the people who depend on you. In short, slow down and don’t look for answers. Let the signs and omens reveal themselves. A strange thing happens when we’re thankful for doubt.
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New York Dolls
Sacai cardigan; K-Way jacket; Basler skirt; Kate Spade New York bag; Attilio Giusti Leombruni shoes. H&M sweater; K-Way jacket; Morgan Lane bra; Rebecca Taylor skirt; Kate Spade New York bag.
Topshop Unique vest; Edun turtleneck; Joie skirt; Maximum Henry belt; Max Mara booties. Milly vest; See by Chloé dress; Coach bag; Stuart Weitzman boots.
Matchless London trenchcoat; Equipment sweater; Diane von Furstenberg turtleneck; Joie skirt; Dooney & Bourke bag; Bally boots. Basler jacket; Tory Burch turtleneck; See by Chloé skirt; Bally boots; stylist’s own belt.
Joie dress; stylist’s own belt.
Beauty note: Keep platinum blonde in mint condition with John Masters Organics Color Enhancing Conditioner for Blonde Hair.
G-Star coat; Diesel Black Gold shirt; Tory Burch skirt; MCM bag. 7 For All Mankind coat; Amelia Toro turtleneck; Diesel Black Gold skirt.
Paige Denim jacket; Banana Republic turtleneck; 3.1 Phillip Lim skirt; Sarah Chloe ring; Stuart Weitzman shoes; stylist’s own belt. 3.1 Phillip Lim jacket; Diane von Furstenberg turtleneck; Marciano skirt; MCM bag; Stuart Weitzman shoes; model’s own ring.
Beauty note: Push a smoky eye to the limit with Benefit They’re Real! Push Up Liner.
Banana Republic coat; See by Chloé skirt; Paule Ka hat. Gap peacoat; Eugenia Kim cap; Emporio Armani bag.
Altuzarra for Target jacket; REDValentino dress; the Kooples skirt; Preston & Olivia fedora; TomTom Jewelry ring; Giuseppe Zanotti Design shoes. Guess romper; Preston & Olivia fedora; Michael Michael Kors belt; Mulberry clutch wallet; Giuseppe Zanotti Design shoes.
Hair by Shay Ashual for Wella Professionals; makeup by Hiromi Ueda at Julian Watson Agency; manicures by Fleury Rose for Chanel. Models: Esmeralda Seay-Reynolds, Ola Rudnicka at Next Management. Produced by Fill in the Blank Production. Set design by Gille Mills for Lalaland Artists. Digital technician: Sean Geraghty. Photography assistants: Tom Sloan, Matthew Joy, Joey Trisolini. Fashion assistants: Solange Franklin, Bradley Grey.
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