A must-stop shop in Hong Kong
Walking through Hong Kong's Happy Valley last week, a billboard caught my eye: "Delay No More," it said in large type next to a photograph of a guy undoing his belt buckle. A friend enlightened...

I came away from the crammed, Hollywood Road branch only with Pacman-like t-shirt ($16). Oh, and a “double happiness” keychain ($14), though I could have bought the same striking Chinese characters in three dimensions as candles ($18), trivets, napkin rings or any other number of applications. The store’s trick is to use traditional Chinese images for their graphic punch as well as their connotations in creating accoutrements for the modern home. Even the store’s abbreviated name, G.O.D., is a pun not only on the religion of shopping, but also on the Cantonese phonetic sound of the word, which means, “to live better.”
So jet over to Asia and pack up the goodies, for Young has no plans to open in America and only a few of the items are available online. Luckily, those do include the Panda eyeshades ($14) I somehow overlooked in the store but could have used on the flight back. Those “Delay No More” belt buckles, by the way, are available in a variety of colors for the extravagant sum of $45.
For more information, check out Goods of Desire.
Critic, curator and museum director Aaron Betsky curated the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2008, ran Rotterdam’s Netherlands Architecture Institute from 2001-2006 and these days, helms the Cincinnati Art Museum. See his previous blogs HERE and check back on Thursday for his next post.