November 2024 Horoscope: The 8 Signs Manifesting Change

The New Moon in Scorpio presents the perfect opportunity to set new intentions.

by Cole Prots

Collage by Ashley Peña

Scorpio season and spooky season are the same thing at this point. As the ghosts, ghouls, and goblins emerge from hiding, so does Scorpio's deep, mysterious, and brooding energy. While some people might find the things that bump in the night a little creepy, we must remember that everyone has a shadow following them wherever they go. So why run from the darkness when it's an inherent part of our human experience? And no, this darkness isn’t some evil spirit clinging to you like an ex who won’t take the hint. This kind of darkness lets you keep certain parts of yourself hidden—only revealing them to those you trust most. That’s the essence of any Scorpio transit, like the Scorpio New Moon on November 1: diving deep into the shadows to strengthen your connection with yourself and the people you hold close.

Like the start of a fresh month, New Moons bring potential and opportunity. They’re the perfect time for manifesting and asking the universe to send you what’s been missing. But here’s the catch—New Moons are just the beginning of the journey. It’s like being at the starting line, waiting for the gun to go off. So as the New Moon rises, take a deep breath, center yourself, and get clear about what you’re aiming for. If you’re into journaling (which I highly recommend for maximizing this cosmic magic), note that the seeds you plant now will come to fruition by mid-May 2025. If you're diligent, you might see the results sooner.

So, what should you manifest during this Scorpio New Moon? The obvious choice is to lean into all things Scorpionic. Scorpio is all about building intimacy—whether that means deep self-reflection to become more comfortable with all aspects of yourself or practicing vulnerability with those you love. Scorpio wants us to open up, which might seem ironic given how reserved and suspicious Scorpios can be. But intimacy is built on trust, so ask yourself: What actions do you need to start taking to trust yourself and others more? Do you need to ask more questions instead of assuming? Do you need clearer boundaries? The Scorpio New Moon is your chance to let people in, rather than leaving them guessing what’s happening on the other side of your emotional moat, barbed-wire fence, and alligator-filled trenches.

Scorpio also rules over themes like power and transformation. Ruled by Pluto and Mars, Scorpio energy is all-or-nothing—no half-hearted efforts here. Scorpio’s spirit reminds us that if we want to make things happen, we need to commit fully. For many, this New Moon might feel like a cosmic kick in the butt, urging you to take back control of your life and make the changes you’ve been avoiding. It’s like the universe knows the calendar year is winding down, and we only have a short time left to reflect on the past 10 months before gearing up for what’s next. With this Scorpio New Moon, your manifestations come with the understanding that, like Britney circa 2013, you’re going to have to “work, b*tch.”

In addition to Scorpio’s influence, Saturn, Pluto, and Mars also play a big role in this New Moon. Pluto and Mars, being Scorpio’s rulers, are front and center—but they’re not exactly getting along right now. Pluto is at the anaretic degree of Capricorn, while Mars is at the anaretic degree of Cancer, creating a tension that can lead to obsessive tendencies and power struggles. Mars in Cancer is more passive than usual, working on an emotional level and focusing on protecting personal needs and those of our loved ones. Meanwhile, Pluto in Capricorn is all about dismantling oppressive systems and rewriting the rules for the greater good. This opposition highlights the clash between personal needs and societal structures. It’s a cosmic reminder that what works for the masses doesn’t always work for us individually—like following a diet plan designed for someone 6 inches taller and 100 pounds heavier. Sure, the principles might be sound, but is it tailored to your needs? No! So, how can you create a plan that fits you as you invite change with this New Moon?

Thankfully, Saturn is here to lend a stabilizing hand. Saturn, which trines this New Moon, offers some much-needed grounding. Think of Saturn as your cosmic guidance counselor: you tell Saturn, “I want to be an astronaut,” and Saturn responds, “Great! What steps must you take to level up and make that happen?” Saturn’s influence means you’ll still need to do the work, but the stress eases as you realize you have a practical plan. Saturn’s here to help you craft a flexible approach that keeps you on the path toward building deeper emotional bonds and finding comfort in vulnerability.

All in all, this New Moon is the spookiest of the year, but by facing what we fear, we often discover the “monsters under the bed” are just a pile of laundry we’ve been avoiding (because who wants to do laundry, right?). Each sign has the opportunity to bring fresh Scorpionic energy into their lives, so be sure to check your rising sign for the most accurate reading. Wishing you all the best—may this New Moon remind you that there’s strength in vulnerability and trust is something you earn, not give away freely.

Aries Rising

Aries rising, the Scorpio New Moon shines a light on your 8th house, where intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation live. This is a time to dive deep into matters of trust and power dynamics—whether that’s with a partner, in finances, or just within yourself. Time to ask: What fears have been holding you back, and how can you transform them into personal power?

Mars, your ruler, is teetering at 29° Cancer in your 4th house of home and family. This suggests you're wrapping up an emotional chapter, possibly tied to your roots or family history. You might feel extra protective, but don’t let that emotional armor hinder real intimacy. The more you let your guard down, the more profound the connection.

Taurus Rising

Taurus rising, Scorpio season is calling you to focus on your one-on-one relationships with this New Moon landing in your 7th house. Whether romantic, business, or bestie vibes, this is about deepening commitments or letting go of partnerships that no longer serve you. What does your ideal partnership look like? Time to reflect and manifest the kind of relationship you deserve.

Venus, your ruling planet, is prancing through Sagittarius in your 8th house, bringing fiery intensity to shared resources, sex, and deep emotional bonds. You’re craving something raw and real, and your relationships could take a more adventurous, philosophical turn. Ride that wave, but don’t forget to handle your shared financials with care!

Gemini Rising

Gemini rising, the Scorpio New Moon is all about your 6th house of health, routine, and daily work. Are your habits supporting your transformation, or are they dragging you down? This is a cosmic call to refine your routines, detox your body, or make changes that enhance your well-being. Time to slay your to-do list and sprinkle a little Scorpio magic into your self-care practices.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is at 28° Scorpio, also in your 6th house. You’re feeling sharp and intuitive about the changes you need to make. Mercury’s placement suggests it’s time to rethink how you manage your daily grind—focus on productivity, but also don’t forget the mind-body connection.

Cancer Rising

Cancer rising, this Scorpio New Moon lands in your 5th house of creativity, fun, and romance. Get ready to reignite the spark in your love life or dive deep into a creative project that sets your soul on fire. This is all about playful transformation—how can you infuse more joy into your life? Allow yourself to embrace passion without holding back.

Your ruler, the Moon, is in its favorite phase: the New Moon! With Mars, your secondary ruler, sitting at 29° Cancer in your 1st house, you’re completing a cycle of personal transformation. You’re stepping into a more confident, assertive version of yourself. Now’s the time to own your emotional intensity and channel it into what (or who) you love!

Leo Rising

Leo rising, this Scorpio New Moon is shedding its transformative glow on your 4th house of home, family, and roots. It’s time to dig deep into what security means to you—whether that’s creating a more intimate family life or transforming your living space to better reflect your inner world. What’s the foundation you want to build upon?

Your ruling planet, the Sun, is cozying up with the Moon in Scorpio, intensifying the focus on emotional security. Meanwhile, Mars, which is preparing to move into Leo next month, is wrapping up some deep emotional work in your 12th house. You're about to shed some old baggage—just in time to feel lighter and more at home within yourself.

Virgo Rising

Virgo rising, this Scorpio New Moon lights up your 3rd house of communication, learning, and sibling relationships. This is a prime time for deep conversations, soul-baring exchanges, and even reconnecting with family. You may also find yourself diving into research or a new subject that sparks transformation on a mental level.

Mercury, your ruling planet, is at 28° Scorpio in your 3rd house, making your mind even sharper and more intuitive than usual. This is a great time to articulate your thoughts with depth and precision. Conversations now can lead to breakthroughs, so don’t shy away from those intense topics!

Libra Rising

Libra rising, the Scorpio New Moon casts its transformative vibe over your 2nd house of money, values, and possessions. This is the perfect time to reassess how you handle your finances and rethink what truly holds value in your life. Manifest more security, but make sure your financial goals align with your soul’s purpose.

Venus, your ruling planet, is joyfully in Sagittarius in your 3rd house of communication. This energy encourages you to speak boldly and express your desires—whether that’s negotiating a raise or simply sharing what you value with others. You’re learning to balance material security with freedom and fun.

Scorpio Rising

Scorpio rising, it’s your New Moon! With the Sun and Moon in your 1st house of self, this is a powerful time to focus on your identity and personal transformation. Who are you becoming? What new version of yourself are you ready to reveal to the world? This is your moment to set intentions that align with your authentic self.

Mars, your traditional ruler, is at the critical 29° Cancer in your 9th house of beliefs and higher learning. You’re wrapping up a philosophical journey or rethinking your worldview. Pluto, your modern ruler, is also at 29° Capricorn, pushing you to complete a major transformation in your communication style. You’re emerging stronger and more empowered, ready to own your truth.

Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius rising, the Scorpio New Moon is happening in your mystical 12th house of the subconscious. This is your cosmic cue to slow down, rest, and retreat. Dive deep into your spiritual practices, explore your dreams, and release old baggage. What’s lingering in your shadow that needs clearing before your season kicks off? Use this time for deep emotional healing.

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is retrograde in your 7th house of relationships, giving you a chance to review the dynamics of your partnerships. What’s working? What needs to shift? You’re reflecting on how to create more harmonious connections moving forward.

Capricorn Rising

Capricorn rising, this Scorpio New Moon sparks transformation in your 11th house of friendships, social networks, and long-term goals. This is a great time to evaluate your circle and ask: Who’s really supporting your growth? You’re also being called to redefine your aspirations—what do you really want from life, and who can help you get there?

Saturn, your ruling planet, is retrograde in Pisces in your 3rd house of communication. You’re revisiting how you express yourself and rethinking the messages you put out into the world. Use this New Moon to network, but make sure your communication is clear and intentional.

Aquarius Rising

Aquarius rising, the Scorpio New Moon illuminates your 10th house of career and public image. This is your moment to manifest new professional opportunities or transform your current path. Ask yourself: How do you want to be seen by the world? Set bold intentions for your public life, and be ready to step into a more empowered version of yourself.

Your modern ruler, Uranus, is retrograde in your 4th house of home, encouraging you to reflect on your emotional foundation. Pluto, sitting at 29° Capricorn in your 12th house, is also working behind the scenes, pushing you toward a deep transformation that will soon reveal itself in your professional world.

Pisces Rising

Pisces rising, the Scorpio New Moon takes place in your 9th house of higher learning, beliefs, and travel. This is a time to broaden your horizons—whether through actual travel or diving deep into new spiritual or philosophical studies. What beliefs are ready to evolve? What new wisdom is calling you?

Your ruler, Neptune, is retrograde in Pisces in your 1st house of identity, urging you to reflect on how you’ve been showing up in the world. Saturn, also retrograde in your 1st house, is pushing you to take responsibility for your personal growth. You’re being asked to commit to your dreams, but remember: it’s about integrating your lessons, not rushing the process.