On March 29, we will be graced with the second of two springtime eclipses—this one setting us up for dramatic self-discovery and new paths toward honoring your authentic self. In the morning (around 7 AM EST), the sun and the moon will enter Aries season: the start of the astrological new year. This solar eclipse is therefore a perfectly timed kick in the ass to kickstart a new era for you.
But what is a solar eclipse? Think of it as a supercharged new moon, one that occurs when the moon passes between the sun the earth, obscuring the sun’s light. In astrology, the sun represents our conscious self, ego, and core vitality. This obscuring of light creates a portal of sorts, where the divine and the human realms become connected, making the solar eclipse a powerful time for reflection and intention-setting. It’s almost as if our higher self is brought to life, spurring both personal and collective shifts.
Solar eclipses are also about balancing light and dark. You might feel like you’re walking a tightrope while doing so—balance the conscious self and inner emotions by letting go to create space for new experiences. You’ll find that you have to confront hidden facets of your self while recalibrating the use of your resources and energy. The darkness that occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth represents shedding of old habits, while the return of the sun is the renewal. During that period of time when the sun blacks out, ask yourself: “What baggage am I shedding to welcome new energy?”
During the eclipse (and the days leading up to it), expect sudden emotional breakthroughs, potential changes to your romantic or professional world, or feelings like you should be challenging the status quo. Eclipse seasons brings forced growth from external or internal stimulus. So, what intentions are you setting, and how do you plan to make changes to bring those intentions to life?
With this solar eclipse, the Aries energy is strong. You could find yourself asking questions like, Who am I? What motivates me? How am I asserting myself? Am I really in control of my life? Aries reveals truths about the self—our vitality, independence, and self-centeredness—so it is imperative to sit, in complete honesty, with who you truly are and what you really want. How are you being true to you? Are you giving yourself the permission to embrace the qualities of the ram?
This eclipse also aims to keep our minds open and our spirits flexible enough to roll with the punches. First, Mercury is in retrograde, and making a wide conjunction with the eclipse—this could drive us to be more impulsive, jumping to conclusions and hastily seeking answers to any nagging questions. Eclipses are dramatic, so this connection could feel like a menty-b for some of us. For others, it could be more like Cher slapping us and screaming “Snap out of it!” Listen to where your impulses are directing you; there’s something powerful there. It may be confusing (because Mercury retrograde does that) but trust in yourself and your intuition.
However, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is making a tighter sextile to the eclipse. Jupiter is in Gemini, which has, for the past year, been pushing us to expand our world through open communication, curiosity, and freedom. In tandem with the eclipse, this looks like giving yourself the permission to explore all of your ideas at this moment. Don’t settle for the first pathway that presents itself—you are more than allowed to start the journey, but don’t tie yourself down if you have a wandering eye and the urge to try more than one thing. Confidence is going to be at an all-time high right now, so go for your dreams and don’t wait to start this beautiful journey of self-discovery.
It’s also worth noting that the Aries solar eclipse is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, aggression, and motivation. Aries’s connection to Mars is going to make us want to initiate quickly—but Mars is currently in Cancer. Mars may move a bit slower in Cancer, but the fiery planet still pushes us to act on our emtoions. You’ll be motived by the need to protect and nurture, mostly the need to nurture the self (Aries, duh!). Parent yourself the way you wish you were parented—what activities you would do with your younger self to give them permission to live authentically? What would you say to your younger self to encourage them?
There is a strong desire for change, but potential fear of the unknown or shaking up your security blankets could be stopping you. With Mars trining Saturn, this eclipse reminds us hard work pays off, and action should be guided by intuition and deep emotional conviction. We need to approach change with quiet steadiness—strategize, take your time, and trust your gut. Additionally, with Mars trine to the north node and Neptune, there is an intuitive compass guiding you, helping you make bold moves. And Venus’s retrograde (also making a trine to Mars) reminds us to let go of old values or the need to serve/please others.
Overall, this eclipse marks a new era of asserting the self. We all are going on a journey of self-discovery to understand who we are and how to express ourselves authentically. Although there will be feelings of impulsivity, there is a lesson of patience and how hard work is most effective for long-term transformation on the horizon. Work with your emotions and trust your intuition. We will all have a heightened feeling of sensitivity, so if you need need to focus on yourself to listen to that guiding light within, do so.
For a more detailed look at what this eclipse will bring you, make sure to read your rising sign. Wishing you all the best, and I hope that this eclipses brings you closer to answering any questions that may be lingering.
This eclipse brings focus to your personal development and self-recognition—two essential elements for building self-esteem and experiencing growth. You may find yourself having emotionally sobering conversations in the mirror as you conduct an identity SWOT analysis, exploring the delicate balance between ego, arrogance, and self-gratification. With your ruling planet, Mars, in Cancer, you’re called to reflect on subconscious conditioning from childhood. Consider spending more time at home, transforming it into a safe space where you can authentically express yourself and process these revelations.
This eclipse period emphasizes psychological development and spiritual growth, encouraging you to outwardly express psychic and spiritual activities that may have remained private. It’s time to examine the spectrum between dependency and avoidance—are you too reliant on yourself at the expense of connection? Fears and repressed desires need exploration as secrets may reveal themselves—things you’ve pushed deep down could finally surface. With your ruling planet, Venus, going retrograde in Pisces, this might be a particularly confusing eclipse period. Take time to evaluate whether your values align with your community and consider whether surrounding yourself with new people might encourage necessary growth.
Society and your place within the human collective take center stage, prompting you to take action to improve social quality around you. You’re contemplating how you fit into existing social frameworks while feeling that friendships and social groups may need refreshing—ask yourself if you’re fighting for your friends and if they’re reciprocating that loyalty. A need for independence might emerge alongside a desire to lead a group, perhaps manifesting as an urge to join a sports league or community organization. With your ruling planet, Mercury, in retrograde, you may experience frustration with lack of progress or conflicts that arise during this eclipse period.
Your reputation and career advancement become the focus during this eclipse—are you being remembered the way you want to be? You might find yourself seeking a pay increase, promotion, or publicity as you desire to be seen, though it’s worth questioning if you’re being seen in the right way. This period brings increased ambition as you go after what you want professionally, setting yourself up as an authority in your industry. A more entrepreneurial—perhaps even selfish—drive emerges. With the Moon (your ruling planet) in Aries, take time to reflect on whether you feel you’re truly on the right path.
You’re feeling the need to embark on an Eat Pray Love kind of journey—perhaps through solo travel that allows you to explore your personal philosophies and encourages inner growth. This eclipse invites you to develop the abstract facets of your worldview, reconnect with religious practices, or pursue higher education. It’s time to acknowledge where you can be stubborn and give yourself permission to push beyond that personal arrogance. With the sun as your ruling planet, you’re literally being called to step through the portal toward something new and transformative.
This eclipse directs attention to shared material resources, possibly bringing an announcement regarding a big raise or inheritance for you or your partner. You may experience reawakened sexual urges or desires—a renewed craving to be pleasured by your partner(s). Your independent nature might intensify, making you feel a need to keep emotions close to your chest (breast your cards, as they say). With Mercury retrograde as your ruling planet positioned in Aries, you may oscillate between oversharing and keeping things tightly contained—watch for tendencies toward overthinking and overreacting during this period.
New, independent, courageous, and assertive partnerships are highlighted during this eclipse period. You may experience power struggles in relationships, prompting you to question whether you’re supported to be an individual within your connections. Balancing power dynamics while exerting your needs and authentic self in relationships becomes crucial as new karmic cycles in relationships begin. With Venus retrograde as your ruling planet, you’re called to deeply reflect on what you hold that was given to you by others. Consider whether these are truly aligned with your own vision or if you’ve been carrying someone else’s dreams as your own.
This eclipse initiates new cycles related to work and health concerns, re-invigorating your routine to better cater to your needs. It’s time to identify what you care about most—what could you spend every day of your life working with? Take a careful look at what you’re committing yourself to. With ruling planets Pluto and Mars influencing you, Pluto is transforming your home life and emotional body, while Mars pushes you to explore new horizons. Ask yourself if you’ve plateaued and gotten too comfortable in certain areas of life that need refreshing.
New passions, hobbies, and sources of joy will emerge during this eclipse season. You might experience potential changes with children (perhaps a new child is coming your way) or feel an urge for new romances. A desire to prioritize your happiness becomes prominent—though be cautious of becoming too self-centered. This is an excellent time to reconnect with activities your inner child enjoyed, potentially leading to big revelations that could heal childhood wounds. With ruling planet Jupiter in your seventh house, new relationships may help inspire you. Communication is key right now—bounce ideas around with others to spark creativity.
This eclipse brings a new cycle of activity with family and your roots, introducing new ways to assert your needs and emotions. You might feel combative if you uncover knowledge regarding your upbringing; you might have to work to understand your individuality in relation to your family system. A desire to be the leader of the house emerges—take charge to make the home a safe space for yourself and loved ones. With Saturn as your ruler, you’re learning to let go of control and how to navigate potential misunderstandings if you try to force your point of view. Important lessons about compassionate communication are unfolding.
Reconnecting with your voice becomes paramount during this eclipse, bringing new ideas and thoughts regarding how you view the immediate world around you. You may feel an urge to speak your mind and be heard—prompting the question: were you silent or were you silenced? Changes in your localized, everyday life are highlighted as you discover what new routines give you energy to stay inspired and motivated. With Uranus as your ruling planet, shifting home dynamics come into focus—consider whether you’re communicating enough about how your needs and security requirements are evolving.
This eclipse period challenges you to separate your values from the values of others. It’s time to define what you truly value and examine whether you use your resources effectively. Ask yourself if you actively pursue what you want. You may receive news about your financial situation or experience revelations about what really matters to you. With Neptune as your ruling planet, this is a time for release of the self and ego—dissolving negative self-images and honoring the highest version of yourself.