Your Complete 2024 Horoscope Is Here

In order to move into the new year, first take a look back.

by Cole Prots

Collage by Ashley Peña

The year 2023 unfolded as a celestial spectacle marked by dynamic astrological shifts. Saturn embarked on a transformative journey into Pisces, beckoning us to explore the realms of spirituality and paving the way for divine karma to make its presence felt. Meanwhile, Pluto bid farewell to its 15-year residence in Capricorn, dipping its toes into Aquarius. This cosmic dance has rattled our worldly foundations, nudging us toward a more innovative and humanitarian perspective.

The North and South nodes, dwelling in Aries and Libra respectively, prompted profound introspection. You might have found yourself questioning not only your identity, but the intricate dance of relationships in your life as well. Amid this celestial symphony, two cosmic entities, Chiron and Jupiter, are concluding their retrograde journeys, which will add a dose of motivation as we step into 2024.

Chiron, often likened to the sting of stubbing one’s toe, symbolizes wounds and healing. Stationed in Aries during its retrograde from July 26th to Dec 26th, Chiron compelled us to confront our inner adversaries. It encouraged acceptance that the world may not conspire against us, and our undoing often stems from self-inflicted actions. With Chiron in Aries, themes of self-worth and overcoming limiting beliefs took center stage. As we approach 2024, the upcoming retrograde beckons us to cultivate faith in ourselves, allowing room for risk-taking without self-sabotage.

On the other cosmic front, Jupiter, the expansive gas giant, traversed Taurus, inducing a perceptible slowdown since September. This retrograde urged us to savor life’s experiences, emphasizing appreciation, value, and opportunities within our material realm. Amid the hustle, it prompted reflection on the importance of appreciating the present. As we inch toward 2024, the lingering effects of Jupiter’s retrograde invite us to approach the coming year with heightened appreciation for our surroundings.

Looking ahead to 2024, the prevailing theme is intentional action. Armed with the lessons of 2023, we are encouraged to navigate life with purpose and confidence on an individual level. Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Taurus, occupying the initial positions in the zodiac, underscore the importance of self-responsibility. It’s not a call for selfishness, but a reminder to refrain from blaming others and to stay aware. Embrace the coming year with confidence and purpose, steering away from autopilot mode. Reflect on the individual strides needed to correct the course from the tumult of 2023, ensuring you stay on track without lingering too long at the transfer platform.

As always, consult your rising, sun, and moon signs for a personalized perspective on the influences shaping your horoscope.


This year has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and it wouldn’t be surprising if you’ve had some eye-opening moments about yourself, your character, and your sense of self-worth. You might have found yourself being a bit tougher on yourself than usual lately. I mean, let’s face it, it’s not typical for an Aries to wallow in self-pity, but you might have caught yourself in that mind-set. Whether it was a reality check or the classic imposter syndrome creeping in, it’s time to give yourself a pep talk and reconnect with who you truly are.

The influences of Chiron and Jupiter have been nudging you to contemplate your identity, values, and not just your aspirations, but the core of your being and what you stand for. As you gear up for 2024, the cosmic energies are urging you to stand tall with confidence and refuse to let fear hinder your journey. While winning is your forte, it’s crucial to recognize that there are various strategies and paths that lead to success. Take some time before the new year to ponder how you might need to tweak your approach. Consider how, the next time life throws you a curveball, you can dust yourself off and face the challenge head-on instead of sidestepping it.

Always remember, you are more than enough, and 2024 is yours for the taking. Embrace the punches, play hard, and make the upcoming year truly yours.


You had quite a celestial treat this year! Despite the potential chaos brought about by eclipse seasons, the benevolent Jupiter spent the majority of 2023 hanging out in your sign. However, Jupiter’s retrograde might have unveiled a side of yourself that was previously undiscovered. As a Taurus, adapting and growing isn’t always your go-to, but Jupiter has provided a chance for you to reflect on your recent triumphs and come to terms with your evolving self.

No need to rush, but the onset of 2024 marks the last time Jupiter will grace your sign for another 12 years. Seize the moment to delve deep into self-expression. Spiritual healing is on the agenda, and with Chiron residing in the realm of spirituality in your chart, you’ve likely been prompted to confront some lingering, unhealed wounds. Acknowledge that while there may be scars, they don’t define you; instead, they inform and guide you in defining who you are and how you want to live.

Before the new year unfolds, take some meditative moments to reintroduce yourself to, well, yourself. Greet your reflection in the mirror as if meeting a new acquaintance. You might unearth aspects of yourself that haven’t received their due recognition, and these discoveries can become the focal point of the upcoming year. Embrace this introspective journey with open arms!


Gemini, since March, you may have found yourself grappling with the quest to uncover your true purpose. This journey might have led you to ponder your career trajectory and consider altering your course. Here’s the inside scoop—your naturally intellectual self has likely spent months analyzing various options, contemplating the most logical steps, and pragmatically approaching the changes stirring within you. However, astrology has a unique ask for you: it’s time to step out of your mind and into your heart, if only for a moment.

This doesn’t mean tossing caution to the wind, but rather trusting the whispers of your intuition. That part of you that feels a surge of inspiration is gearing up for action as the new year approaches. Take a pause to reflect on what has truly inspired you this year. As Jupiter moves into your sign in 2024, bringing forth numerous blessings, it’s crucial to introspect on how your sense of faith, intuition, and purpose has evolved.

While Jupiter lingers in Taurus, providing a meditative backdrop, utilize this time to let your planning harmonize with what intuitively resonates with you. Before the cosmic winds of change fully manifest, consider how your yearning for purpose aligns with the path you’re charting.


Cancer, the past year has been a period of significant healing for you. Chiron might have stirred up some workplace tension, leaving you feeling misunderstood. On top of that, you’ve likely encountered opportunities pushing you to take a leap of faith and pursue your desires. However, fears of failure and concerns about letting down loved ones may have held you back.

Meanwhile, Jupiter has been encouraging you to think big and consider the broader picture of your long-term aspirations. It has brought unique individuals into your orbit to broaden your perspective. As we step into 2024, it’s crucial for you to reflect on how accountable you hold yourself for shaping the life you truly desire.

Your journey involves continued growth in your sense of self-worth. While it may feel like an intense year of maturing and growing up, the key takeaway is to recognize your capability extends beyond what you currently believe. Past failures should not dictate future events, as long as you’ve learned and evolved from them. Embrace the lessons and trust in your capacity for growth.


With Pluto making intermittent appearances in your sister sign, you’ve been getting a sneak peek into what lies ahead in 2024 and beyond. This year has played a pivotal role in teaching you how to think more expansively and dream with greater boldness. I know, it might sound a bit paradoxical to tell a Leo about learning to be bold, but the past year has provided ample opportunities for you to explore your worldview. It’s all about finding a path that authentically represents your desires.

Venus took a retrograde stroll through your sign, serving as a gentle reminder of the significance of self-love over external validation. While receiving praise is always delightful, this year emphasized that you can treat yourself to some well-deserved appreciation. As we approach the end of the year, you might have been anticipating more, and even though things might not have unfolded on your preferred timeline, it doesn’t mean your moment won’t come.

Jupiter might have thrown a wrench into the gears, stalling some potential progress. However, if you keep your focus on the prize and recall why you’re fighting for your dreams, rest assured that those flowers you’ve been hoping for will bloom in abundance come 2024. Stay resilient and keep your eyes on the goals that truly matter to you.


Virgos, you’ve been facing some challenges this year, especially with Saturn making its move into your sister sign. This shift has likely prompted significant maturation, especially in the realm of relationships. Paired with the influences of Jupiter and Chiron, pushing you to evaluate your priorities, 2023 may have felt a bit isolating. It’s not that you’ve been alone, but your increased maturity levels have naturally led you to prioritize other aspects of your life and relationships.

Chiron, in particular, has been a catalyst for examining your intimacy levels and your ability to embrace truths in your life. It has activated a deeply intimate yet transformative area, urging you to confront things you’ve been holding onto or blaming yourself for far too long. As we transition into 2024, the journey continues, challenging you to grow through your experiences. However, with proper reflection, you should gain a better perspective and heightened awareness of what truly matters and what you can peacefully lay to rest. The beauty lies in your evolving understanding and the potential for growth in the year ahead.


Libra, since the Lunar nodes shifted into Libra and Aries, there has been a notable energetic shift for you. The past has been making a prominent appearance, whether it’s reconnecting with old friends or rediscovering past passions—seems like you’ve been on a bit of a nostalgia trip. Alongside these experiences, old wounds from relationships past might have resurfaced.

As the Chiron retrograde concludes, it’s a moment of reconciliation, not just with others but, crucially, with yourself. Think of this year as the first semester of a two-part lesson. The initial phase involved revisiting experiences from the past, and now, the second part beckons you to apply the lessons learned into action for the future. You’re entering the second semester of this cosmic course, so how do you plan to put these relationship insights into practice?

While 2024 may still see you dedicating time to healing from past wounds, I encourage you to grant yourself permission to apply your own band-aids from time to time. It’s about taking charge of your own healing process and using the lessons you’ve learned to foster personal growth in the coming year.


I’d love to believe that 2023 was an absolutely fabulous year for Scorpios, but I’ve learned from working with clients that it hasn’t been the case for everyone. With Jupiter in your sister sign Taurus and Saturn lending support to your creativity and personal passions, this has indeed been a time for Scorpios to expand their imaginative horizons and embrace openness and sociability. However, the tricky Chiron has been throwing some wrenches into your day-to-day routines, daily life, and even your health.

One common thread I’ve noticed throughout the year is that Scorpios often struggle to ease off the gas pedal. Now, don’t get me wrong—this is by no means a negative quality. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful and impressive traits of a Scorpio. The ability to go all-in, 100 percent of the time, is truly remarkable. However, as we move into 2024, it’s crucial for Scorpios to reflect on burnout and what has been causing exhaustion. Use this analysis to adjust your priorities so that you can fully embrace the positive influences that Jupiter and Saturn are trying to bestow upon you.


Sagittarius, I wouldn’t be surprised if the past year has prompted you to hit the brakes a bit. Now, I’m not suggesting you’ve lost that adventurous and playful spirit—far from it. However, the astrological forces at play have nudged you to consider ways to take a load off and embrace a more domestic vibe. Yes, I said it—domestic! It might sound like an alarming concept for the sign that embodies travel and flight, but the planets have been offering you opportunities to unwind and discover what truly makes every hour feel like a retirement happy hour.

The entire year hasn’t been all sunshine and roses, but hopefully, you’ve taken some time to ponder what you need to build a robust foundation for the life you aspire to lead. It’s a learning process—finding the balance between having fun and establishing security. So, don’t let the lingering fear of the next shoe dropping hold you back any longer. You deserve to have it all, and this introspective time is guiding you toward that harmonious blend of adventure and stability.


Capricorns, take a deep breath because you’re nearing the end of a lengthy and tumultuous transit. The year 2023 marks the last stint of Pluto in Capricorn, a celestial event we’ve been grappling with since 2008, and the last one for the rest of our lifetimes. So, a big sigh of relief and perhaps a cold beer are entirely warranted.

Here’s the kicker: this year has gifted you with the opportunity to reconnect with your passions and rediscover what truly makes you happy. While there has been a significant amount of interpersonal transformation, Jupiter has been like a little kid eagerly leading you to showcase their new toy. Amid the challenges, there’s a respite in allowing yourself to get lost in the simple joys of life. As we move into 2024, these little joys have the potential to evolve into long-standing passions.

Celebrate your growth and everything you’ve accomplished. You truly deserve the joy and positive vibes that await you in 2024. Embrace the upcoming year with open arms, recognizing the resilience and strength that has brought you to this moment.


My dear Aquarian friend, I truly believe that this year has been all about you finding your voice! With Pluto dipping into your sign, you’ve had a preview of the changes to come. However, there have been numerous moments of Chiron encouraging you to consider how best to share your newfound voice with the world.

Being the rebel of the zodiac, you naturally march to the beat of your own drum. Yet, there can be moments of frustration when others aren’t on rhythm with you or don’t fully appreciate the unique beat to which you’re drumming. As you step into 2024, I invite you to reflect on the power of your mind. It can be your best friend and your greatest enemy, but it shines brightest when it’s confident in its convictions.

In the coming year, you’ll continue to receive opportunities to articulate yourself, all while understanding the valuable lessons from the ways you’ve communicated in the past. Be confident in yourself, and don’t hesitate to lean on the support of those who know and love you the most whenever you find yourself wavering. Your voice is powerful, and the world is ready to hear it.


Pisces, you’ve experienced perhaps the most significant energetic shift this year. Saturn’s move into your sign delivered a real wake-up call, urging you to grasp what’s necessary for your maturation. The beauty of this period is that you’ve had the opportunity to explore various fundamental building blocks of your life simultaneously.

Chiron has been assisting you in reevaluating your relationship with money, while Jupiter has opened avenues for exploring new ways of connecting and communicating. Financial moments that you might have typically sidestepped or neglected have become pivotal, prompting you to communicate openly about your experiences and reset your priorities.

As you venture into 2024, anticipate more wake-up calls that will bolster your confidence in taking responsibility and maturing gracefully. The key is to avoid closing yourself off; continue to communicate and share what is happening in the present moment. By staying open and expressive, you pave the way for further growth and a more confident journey into the future.