Moonrise Kingdom
Director Wes Anderson takes us behind the scenes of his new romantic adventure, opening May 25. Click here to read the full article.
“Here I am with Khaki Scout Troup 55 and Kara Hayward, who plays Suzy. This was shot on a farm in Rhode Island. The boy, Sam, has just been struck by lightning.”
“This is Mr. Jared Gilman. His character has just gotten married in the previous scene in the camp chapel.”
“Bill M. & Francis Mc D. are Suzy’s parents. They’re about to spend the next several hours in cold, fake rain, & you can just feel the excitement.”
“Tilda Swinton. She plays a character—an institiution, really—named Social Services. Half Deborah Kerr/ half Maggie Smith.”
“A Khaki Scout has escaped. Edward Norton as Scout Master Ward.”
“If you found yourself stranded in a jungle, Norton would get you out.”
“There are so many variations of the classic scout uniform. Coonskin cap is not standard issue. Ms. Hayward prefers a chapeau.”