Buy Your Favorite Fashion Photography to Support Coronavirus Relief

Whether you’ve always wanted a master like Juergen Teller‘s print to hang in your home, or you’d like an opportunity to support a rising fashion photographer’s work, you can do both through a new initiative called Photographs for the Trussell Trust. Through this effort, coordinated by stylist Bianca Raggi, photographer Alexandra Leese, and graphic designer Simon Rogers, work from England and UK-based photographers including Jack Davison, Alice Mann, Lily Cole, and more will be for sale. Each 11 x 8 inch print costs 100 pounds, or about $125, and all of the proceeds will go toward the Trussell Trust, a British organization that supports a network of food banks throughout the nation. During the coronavirus pandemic, the Trussell Trust has ramped up activity, keeping the doors to its food banks open to address an influx of people who may have lost their jobs or had their salaries slashed. Similar initiatives, like 100 Fotographi per Bergamo in Italy and Pictures for Elmhurst in New York, have raised €727,600 and $1,380,000 respectively. Prints—including a self-portrait done by a shirtless Teller—will be available for purchase through May 7. Scroll through a sampling of just some photographs that are included in the sale, here.

by Maxine Wally and Michael Beckert

Whether you’ve always wanted a master like Juergen Teller‘s print to hang in your home, or you’d like an opportunity to support a rising fashion photographer’s work, you can do both through a new initiative called Photographs for the Trussell Trust. Through this effort, coordinated by stylist Bianca Raggi, photographer Alexandra Leese, and graphic designer Simon Rogers, work from England and UK-based photographers including Jack Davison, Alice Mann, Lily Cole, and more will be for sale. Each 11 x 8 inch print costs 100 pounds, or about $125, and all of the proceeds will go toward the Trussell Trust, a British organization that supports a network of food banks throughout the nation. During the coronavirus pandemic, the Trussell Trust has ramped up activity, keeping the doors to its food banks open to address an influx of people who may have lost their jobs or had their salaries slashed. Similar initiatives, like 100 Fotographi per Bergamo in Italy and Pictures for Elmhurst in New York, have raised €727,600 and $1,380,000 respectively. Prints—including a self-portrait done by a shirtless Teller—will be for sale through May 7.Prints—including a self-portrait done by a shirtless Teller—will be for sale through May 7.

1Eye (2018), photograph by Agnes Lloyd Platt

2Sass, photograph by Alice Neale

3On Dovehouse Green, Chelsea, (1981) photograph by Derek Ridgers

4What’s Up Buttercup, (2017) Dexter Lander

5Juliet on Swing, The Face, (1999) photograph by Elaine Constantine

6For Trust, photograph by Jack Davison

7Almo, Nevada desert, (2019) Jamie Hawkesworth

8Eye, Lagos, (2018) photograph by Joyce NG

9Self-Portrait, Fubball ist unser leban, Bubenreuth, (2019) photograph by Juergen Teller

10Punks (1977), photograph by Karen Knorr

11Wet (2017), photograph by Mel Bles

12Interruption (2002), photograph by Nadav Kander

13Caitlin and Gilermo, photograph by Samuel Bradley

14The Festival of the Horse, photograph by Thurstan Redding