Julia Roberts in an Ice Cave Tops Paris Hilton’s Laundromat Look For Weirdest Celebrity Instagram of the Week
If there ever was a time for celebrities to let their freak flags fly online, then we are living in a golden era, and we have Instagram to thank for that. For example, Julia Roberts has only been on Instagram for a few months, but she has already proven that she knows how to celebrate a centesimal social media post, this time by sharing a selfie of herself spelunking in an ice cave. This week, Diane Keaton demonstrated her affection for performance art, Nick Jonas got competitive with his wife (and their wax figures), Mark Ruffalo told a major dad joke, and Jennifer Garner gave a giant penguin a bath, for reasons yet to be disclosed. The weirdest and wildest posts from celebrities ranging from Paris Hilton to Sir Ian McKellan on Instagram this week, here.
Paris Hilton does laundry day like no other in this video she posted to Instagram on February 8, 2019.
How does one celebrate reaching the five million follower milestone on Instagram? Well, for Jennifer Garner the answer is to give a giant neon green penguin a bath without any explanation or context.
If just about any other celebrity posted a photo of themselves reading a (fictional) book about themselves, we’d call them narcissistic, but when it’s Mark Ruffalo, it’s just adorable dad humor.
After Priyanka Chopra unveiled her uncannily accurate Madame Tussaud’s wax figure, Nick Jonas leaned into his competitive streak to prove that he had a wax figure long before his wife did.
Let it be known that Sir Ian McKellan is indeed a very esteemed actor to be taken seriously, but this still shot of him as Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton that he shared on his Instagram sticks out, at least because of his commitment to the long-haired look.
Laura Prepon (of Orange is the New Black and That 70’s Show fame) shared a hack for preserving asparagus (place it in water like flowers). We’ll believe this only when Ina Garten or Martha Stewart give their stamps of approval to this method.
January Jones is used to being surrounded by cameras, of course, but not this many.
The Jonases aren’t the only ones capitalizing on the wax figure popularity moment. Sarah Michelle Gellar celebrated Seth Green’s birthday with a throwback gram of the two of them posing with what appears to be a wax figure of early aughts era Brad Pitt.
She’s been on Instagram for less than a year, but Julia Roberts is already celebrating her 100th post by spelunking in an ice cave, as one does.
Diane Keaton has never been weirder on Instagram than when she shared this performance from artist William Cobbing, in which the subject excavates their face from a mound of rock.
Leave it to Qai Qai—Serena Williams’s “granddaughter” in case you weren’t familiar—to motivate the masses to show up to work on time and secure the “bag” so to speak.