Bel-Air Bohemian

Lisa Eisner has a celebrated eye for fashion and photography (and dead bugs, under glass). At home in L.A., her eclectic flair runs free.
Eisner’s son Charlie takes an outdoor spritz in the garden, which was designed by Art Luna, the Hollywood hairstylist. Giant bromeliads burst forth everywhere, and along the streambed, Australian tree ferns sway in the breeze.
Lisa Eisner is a photographer, art-book publisher and all-around style-setter credited with inspiring everyone from Isaac Mizrahi to Madonna. Here, Eisner is wearing vintage Chinese pajamas and a custom Shriners fez (her dog, Beatrice, wears a monkey fez found at a flea market).
“The house is an embodiment of Lisa’s style,” says Tom Ford, a neighbor. “The eccentricity balanced with an incredible sense of proportion and chic.” Here, the dining room, with photographs from William Eggleston’s “Graceland” series.
Beatrice stands guard in the living room, which was part of an addition to the original hacienda structure. A John McLaughlin painting adorns the far wall.
A Buddha statue wearing a ceramic-bead necklace by Beatrice Wood.
Roman Alfonso, Eisner’s partner in the publishing house they founded, Greybull Press, in the office.
Eisner’s husband, Eric, mows the lawn in a custom Jack Taylor tuxedo. The former president of the Geffen company, he now runs a charitable children’s education program.
A Clara Bow lamp and other tchotchkes in the bathroom. “On, Sundays, going to the flea market is like church for me,” says Eisner. “You’re sort of sleepy but you’re attentive.”
The pool.
A Gretsch guitar, from Eric’s collection, in the master bedroom, with another painting by John McLaughlin.
Eisner says her garden, which is cleaved by a stream and bordered by a steep canyon wall, is what sold her on the property. An area with a brick fireplace surrounded by a set of vintage wicker chairs and a circular velvet sofa serves as the main living room.