Fifty Shades of Grey: Behind the Scenes

Director Sam Taylor-Johnson gets in bed with Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson for the screen adaptation of E.L. James’s erotic novel.
“[Here] is is Dakota Johnson, naked on the floor.” Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
“Dakota and Jamie Dornan between takes, relaxing on the sofa in Christian Grey’s apartment.” Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
“The Birds! I could not have found a better way to capture Dakota’s legacy (her grandmother is Tippi Hedren, the famous Hitchcock actress).” Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
Dornan on set. Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
“[This] is the best of my stills. Dakota holds all the power.” Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
“A still from the first lovemaking scene in the movie. There were probably 10 to 15 people in the room. It’s an incredibly intimate shot in an unintimate setting. “ Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
“[Here] we’re between takes of the breakup scene. It was highly emotional, intense, and beautifully acted by the two leads.” Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
“A shot of the scene where Jamie drips wine from his mouth into Dakota’s, then seduces her with an ice cube.” Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.
“[Here} is Dakota, whose performance in the final scene in the red room was both incredible and the toughest to shoot. She gave her soul. This was taken moments after. I find it hard to look at.” Photograph by Sam Taylor-Johnson.