Fall 2016’s Eccentric Inspiration

When it comes to Fall 2016’s best collections, it pays to be an eccentric.

by Armand Limnander

August Inspiration Equation


Campbell: Rex Features; Ruff’s 10.28.13 (Homage to Lou), 2013: Courtesy of the artist; BIG: Courtesy of 20th Century Fox; Runway: Indigital.


Madonna, antlers: Getty Images; Snow White & The Huntsman: Courtesy of Universal Pictures; Runway: Indigital.


Memling’s Maria Portinari, 1456: Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Ice Cream: Getty Images; Runway: Indigital.


Dix’s portrait of Paul F. Schmidt, 1921: Public Museum, Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany; Mobutu Sese Seko: AP IMAGES; Man Ray’s Marquise Casati, 1922: Man Ray Trust/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London; Runway: Indigital.


Bourdin photograph, 1979: Estate of Guy Bourdin; Palmer Video: Courtesy of Island Records; Bird: Getty Images; Runway: Indigital.