Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 6 Fashion Recap: Going Out in Style

by Steph Eckardt
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Jodie Comer as Villanelle holding a knife in Killing Eve season 4 episode 6
Courtesy of BBC America

Rest in peace, Villanelle… just kidding. Yes, Hélène’s attempted assassination via bow and arrow appeared fully life-threatening. But Villanelle has a secret weapon: Pam From the Morgue. Her savior could have left her as-is—the embalming job would no doubt be superb—but instead, she somehow manages to keep our favorite assassin from becoming a corpse. Unfortunately, that means taking a pair of scissors to Villanelle’s most excellent season 4 outfit yet: a satin Loewe ensemble innocently printed with monarch butterflies and pansies. The experience is harrowing enough that after yelling for Konstantin and Pam to get her out of there, Villanelle seems pleased to have Eve holding her hand—especially when she sees Eve shrug off the fact that she shot Konstantin (again, “just” in the hand). In fact, she’s starting to look smitten.

Once on their own, Eve finds a raggedy old plaid coat and helps a reluctant—and topless—Villanelle get dressed. Whoever this new Eve is, unlike Villanelle, nudity clearly doesn’t faze her. Still, not even the pain from having stitches done with a sewing kit that came from Christmas crackers can blind Villanelle into forgetting that Eve cruelly ratted her out to the cops. She may not have any fashion cred left to speak of, but somehow, Villanelle does have a fully charged phone. Having limped across town away from Eve, she receives some intel: Carolyn is not only in Berlin, but also colluding with Lars. Why does she dial up Eve to pass it on? Who knows—we’re more interested in the names they’ve saved each other’s contacts as in their phones.

Courtesy of BBC America

At long last, Pam has developed something of a personal style: She can now reliably be found in some sort of jacket with a scarf tied around her head. She opts for a green varsity style when meeting up with Konstantin after making her first kill—an experience that clearly left her shaken. Luckily, that cute dude from the carnival is also spending his night at the skating rink where Konstantin takes her out to a dinner she can barely eat. In the type of quarter-life crisis behavior we’ve come to associate with her, Pam ends up ditching her hamburger and fries come at the carnival boy she just rejected with a very sloppy smooch.

Courtesy of BBC America

Does Hélène ever dress casually outside of the comfort of her home? Well... kind of. She emerges from an Audi to meet Carolyn in a back alley in Berlin wearing a pinstriped blazer atop a white tee and pair of classic boot cut jeans. The exchange is tense, but both parties emerge alive. And for whatever reason, Carolyn’s loyalty to Lars seems as strong as ever.

Courtesy of BBC America

Alas, it isn’t long before things take a turn for Hélène. We were just starting to embrace her as the new Villanelle when the latter resurfaces to mess everything up. Before we get into the dire turn of events, let’s all take a moment to admire Hélène looking better than ever in a backless velvet vest and matching trousers. Forgive us for using this word again, but since—spoiler alert—this will be the very last time we get to, she looks quintessentially chic. Well, at least until she farts, sending Villanelle into a silent fit of laughter that nearly gives her away as she hides under Hélène’s bed.

Villanelle is just about to go in for the kill when Eve arrives. (Maybe it’s because she no longer needs to establish her newfound toughness, but she’s given up her leather biker jacket for the practical hoodie and parka she favored back in her MI-6 days.) If Villanelle, who’s also looking casual in head-to-toe denim, is surprised by her entrance, it’s nothing compared to when she hears Hélène’s summary of her relationship with Eve: “We have a bath. You kiss me. And now you come to my hotel. What is it you want?” She’s just convinced Eve to join her on the bed when Villanelle jumps into action, slicing the back of her ankles. The knife shoots across the room, and Eve is clearly conflicted. Rather than take any real sort of action, she throws the knife at Villanelle and (accidentally on purpose?) misses.

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Newly rearmed, Villanelle straddles Hélène, who’s accepted defeat. (Perhaps because she knows Eve isn’t quite ready to let go of Villanelle.) “Make it glorious,” she says, and Villanelle slits her throat. Eve is, in a word, horrified. She should have jumped into action after all: She went from having two romantic prospects to absolutely zero. Hélène is no more, and as Villanelle storms out, she doesn’t even look over her shoulder, saying: “I’m done with you.”

Courtesy of BBC America

Meanwhile, Carolyn is cozy as ever at Lars’s hideaway in the woods—at least until a very fiery Eve shows up, ready to make a kill of her own. Carolyn is spared, but Lars isn’t so lucky. And just like that, Eve has joined the assassin club. If only Villanelle were there to see it, but she’s decided to turn a new leaf and live a quiet life as a nomad on a random island in Scotland. Well, that’s what it looks like—until she comes across someone who matches her in both looks and combat skills. Could this be the one who cut that guy’s toes off and shoved them up his nose? In any case, it looks like Villanelle won’t have any trouble moving on. They abruptly stop fighting and, after sharing a laugh, Villanelle asks if she can move in.

Courtesy of BBC America

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