Fast & Furiously Chic: Fall’s Best Fashion Hits the Road
In the season’s streamlined dresses and roomy car coats, model Karen Elson is off to the races.

Hair by Orlando Pita for Orlando Pita Play at Home Agency; makeup by Francelle Daly for Love+Craft+Beauty at Home Agency; manicure by Megumi Yamamoto for Chanel Le Vernis at Susan Price Agency. Model: Karen Elson at CAA. Casting by Piergiorgio Del Moro and Samuel Ellis Scheinman at DM Casting. Set design by Stefan Beckman at Exposure NY.
Produced by PRODn; Producers: Taryn Kelly, David Thompson; Photo Assistants: Shri Prasham, Ashton Herman, Tony Jarum; Digital Technician: Nick Ong; Retoucher: Gloss Studio NY; Fashion Assistant: Bianca Parisotto; Production Assistants: Samantha Robles, Logan Khidekel, Jackie Swanson, Ryan Carter, Daniel Weiner, Lindsey Gomez, Joey DeFilippis, Patrick Langlitz; Hair Assistant: Matthew Sosnowski; Makeup Assistant: Madrona Redhawk; Set Assistant: Nic Der.
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