Julia Fox Thinks Grocery Shopping In Underwear Should Be “Socially Acceptable”

Julia Fox walking in a parking lot wearing underwear
Rachpoot/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images/Getty Images

At some point, while watching Julia Fox’s parade of increasingly outrageous looks over the past few months, you may have asked yourself at one point or another, “How will she ever top this one?” Well, leave it up to Fox to figure it out. The actress seems to never run out of ideas for how to shock the public and her latest look just stepped it up another notch. On Sunday, Fox stepped out in her most-out there look yet while doing the most mundane thing possible—she went grocery shopping in her bra and underwear.

According to Alexander Wang, the designer of the majority of pieces she wore for the outing, the black set is “not underwear, it’s bodywear.” The designer shared a photo of Fox on his Instagram, using it to promote what seems to be an upcoming line of what he’s calling “bodywear.” Whatever you want to call it, the majority of people look at Fox and see a woman shopping in her undies. The actress tried to dress up the set with a denim blazer, and her two favorite accessories—denim slouchy boots and a bag made from a pair of jeans, both Wang designs—but it’s hard to look past the obviously undergarment nature of the base.

Fox shared her reasoning for the look on Instagram, writing, “I just think if it’s socially acceptable at the beach, it should be the same everywhere,” she said. Clearly, the market she shops at doesn’t have a “no shoes, no shirt, no service” rule, or else she may have run into some trouble.
